Annoyed at myself for testing early on day 9 in all my cycles I’ve never tested early but for some reason I just couldn’t get to that 12th day this time round (FET). I’ve tested today (Digital Clearblue) and it’s a BFP but now I’m starting to think it might be a false positive 😔, the medication I’m on is Progynova and cyclogest, I don’t take any injections. I haven’t told my husband yet as I don’t want him to get excited incase I’ve made a mistake and on the 12th day I could get a BFN.....annoyed that I should have waited coz still feel in limbo 🙈
Tested early....BFP.....could it be f... - Fertility Network UK
Tested early....BFP.....could it be false 😳

I think after 9 days a positive is a positive! Some ladies are told to test 9 days after 5 day transfer so Congratulations!
Hi Suzanne, congratulations!!! I think it’s safe to confirm your bfp. Did you take a trigger shot? Ovitrelle ? If you did it’s usually out of the system by 12-14 days max but the line would be v v faint by day 11. I’m terrible and with all my bfp’s i e tested on day 5 post transfer....I’ve had 7 transfers, 4 bfp’s all present by day 5 ‘in my case’ however 2 of those were chemical pregnancies 😢 so I try v hard not to get too excited until I’ve had my 2 bloods within 48hrs of each other to confirm doubling hcg. Good luck and keep us posted xxx

I don’t take trigger shots and my FET is donor as I can’t produce my own eggs 😔. Fingers crossed it stays positive 🤞🏻
Woohoo! Congratulations 🎊 I tested at 6dp5dt and it has been positive ever since, now at 10dp and I will continue to test for at least the next 4 days or so lol. I sometimes wish I had waited, but I'm far too impatient 🤪
Good luck and well done for getting your bfp. I'm excited for you xx
Thank you. My first was a fresh cycle tested on day 12 BFP and day 14 I got a BPN which is probably why I’m nervous and anxious however with the two frozen cycles one ended in misscarriage at 10 weeks and the other I have an 18 month old son. Fingers crossed this 3rd FET has worked and my BFP stays positive, so hard coz even tho it’s a positive I’m struggling to get excited probably coz I’ve experienced misscarriage. Sorry to go on 😔 such an emotional journey we all have to go threw
That's what I keep worrying about, what if the test turns negative! I'm hoping because the lines are strong that it's a good sign. I just wish I could phone the clinic, waiting two weeks from transfer seems so cruel!!
It's hard to try and stay positive and optimistic, without getting too excited, just incase! But it worked out well for you the last time, so let's hope it does this time too!! 💙
I tested on day 7 and got a BFP after FET. Congratulations xx
Congratulations Hun I was told you couldn’t get a false positive xx
I think you should be ok. Congratulations to you and your other half xxx
Congratulations! All sounding good to me!xx
Woo hoo congratulations! Xx
Congratulations! I tested 4 days early and it was positive, my otd was today and still said positive! I was told you couldn't get a false positive!
So congratulations all the best for you xx
Sounds like a positive to me! And no trigger shot with DE IVF so all good. x
Congratulations! I tested 6df5dt FET & got a BFP, then i Tested up until 17 days 😂. Good luck! Xx
I always test on day 9 as that’s officially the day your AF would be due if you had a 28 day cycle and were trying naturally. There’s no such thing as a false positive if you haven’t taken a trigger shot so congratulations! If it were to become a chemical pregnancy it wouldn’t be too late for that to happen (I had a BFP on day 9 then a BFN on day 11) but there again you could get a BFP on day 12 and it still become one. I would say try not to start worrying about what might happen and enjoy the feeling of being pregnant! Congratulations!
I've always known a + by day 9 so congratulations! Try to enjoy it and not worry about what if x