Tomorrow is the end of my 2WW from my first cycle of IVF. Everything went well, follicles stimulated well, 12 eggs collected, 4 frozen and one transferred for fresh cooking and tomorrow I am due to do pregnancy test and I am absolutely terrified. I am going to wait for OH to get home and then do the test as feel really superstitious that every pregnancy test I have ever done (feels like hundreds over the years - TTC 4 yrs) has had wrong result. I’ve written list of pros if it fails, questions to ask doc when we go back to try and prepare myself for failure but I just feel terrified. OH is away tonight because of work and back tomorrow- don’t know whether to do the test tomorrow night or if we should wait until Thursday morning for a clearer result?!? Any advice /opinions on that would be appreciated please? Would also really appreciate any tips or advice anyone has for helping to cope with a failed cycle - thought I was quite relaxed about it all right up until about an hour ago and now can’t stop bawling for fear of failure - think i’ve Just been bottling it up...... how on earth do you ladies cope with doing this time and time again- you have all my respect, I am a total wimp. Will def do it again, but have so much more respect for the process now.....
Test day tomorrow -Terrified of takin... - Fertility Network UK
Test day tomorrow -Terrified of taking it!

I was the exact same was dreading it as I kept thinking of the dreaded 1 line results for the last few years !! I done my 1st thing in morning with a first response and got a nice clear positive but I think it says as long as u haven’t drank excessively within 4hrs should be fine !! Good luck keep us posted x

Thank you for your reply! This is such a lonely thing to go through in so many ways so really appreciate you taking the time to reply to me! Also good to hear of success stories - gives me hope! Xxx
Do you have any symptoms? Are you taking any supplements? On my failed ivf attempts I bled before test date - at the time my period would usually appear.
Your first wee of the day is the most likely to have strongest result so I would wait until Thursday morning if you can. It's hard enough waiting for 2 weeks. This time around I couldn't wait that long! Well done so far, keep thinking positive thoughts and wishing you all the best for when you test xxx

Not really sure on symptoms as have felt like I felt ‘different’ so many times before when I wasn’t pregnant, that think I pyschosymatically generated unreal symptoms so don’t trust my body. Am doing the pessaries and taking the pregnacare aupplements. I haven’t started bleeding yet, but again, I would often be a week late for no reason so that doesn’t mean much either..... sorry I sound hopeless! I’d like to think my boobs look and feel bigger and I am completely over emotional, crying at anything and everything but again, I think it’s me just being a fruit cake!! Xx
Could you collect first morning urine in a pot with a lid and test later in the day when hubby is home? Fmu is usually recommend for the most reliable results. Good luck xx
You could collect your first morning urine but just not test it till the evening when oh is back? Rather than wait another day?
Just wanted to wish you all the best for tomorrow. Xo
I like the idea of collecting for testing later together. I was terrified and couldn't look this time, so got my husband to look. He said it was negative and I was so sad as I had such high hopes. Went to look at the test and there were two lines, but he couldn't see as he didn't have his glasses on! So beware!xx
Oh wow- that’s great that you had a BFP!! Thank you for sharing, that does give me hope and has set me off crying again! I think i’m Just resigning myself to a day of crying today- i’m So over emotional it’s ridiculous! Xx
Good luck Laceygirl - I hope you get a positive outcome x
Wishing you loads of luck!xx
Good luck Laceygirl. Everything is crossed for you xxx
Id save your morning wee and do it then. Also dont be disheartened if a line doesn't come up straight away leave it for 10 minutes then look at it again. - if you have a late implanter it could be faint at this point and get darker as the days go on
use a first response test boots/superdrug. Cheapys dont show up as well or of course a clear blue digital xx
Good luck!!
Saved the FMU and it was a BFN 😥😢😥😢😥😢.
So sorry to hear that! BFN's are so tough. Look after yourselves & sending hugs xx
So sorry to read this Lacey. Hope you're ok. Xx

Thank you so much for your kind words xx
Reading your message just now... so sorry for this bfn!
Focus on the positive you have 4 frosties!!!! Next one will be the one!
Sending you lots of hugs!
Sorry to read about bfn This is not the end. Don't give up. Sending you a huge hug.xo