Hi everyone I hope you are all hanging in there and staying strong whatever stage of this journey you are on .i had a check up appointment today ,all is going well with the little one. I have lost weight which my doctor is worried about. But the little one is quite big so they said at 220g.so I have to up my starch intake.
I thought i was 17 weeks but turns out it all changes depending on how the baby grows I assume .iv been overwhelmed the past month coz i had a terrible flu and thrush ,its great to know that all is ok.
I still sleep alot especially after work which is ok.I still have to pinch myself to make sure its really happening. 2017 was the hardest year of my life and I'm just glad I'm here still standing.anxious and overwhelmed but still standing.
We couldnt get a pic coz our little one couldn't stay still.such a handful already 😂
Thank you all for sharing your stories. It's what gives me hope and courage to carry on coz this ttc business really ain't for the faint hearted. Every day you get up to face the day is a victory .
Let's keep fighting, praying and hoping for our miracles .
Thinking of you all.xx