Hi everyone today i had egg collected was told to expect 8 eggs on scans, I had 18 collected , completely over the moon with this number but petrified I'm at risk of ohss has any one ever had round this number and stil got fresh transfer?? Tia xx
Petrified of transfer not going ahead... - Fertility Network UK
Petrified of transfer not going ahead help 18 eggs retrieved today

Why do more eggs mean your not likely to have a fresh transfer ? I’m confused x
I had mine today and got 17. I’m just hoping a good number fertilise x
Just to reassure you that if you don’t get to have a fresh transfer they are starting to suspect that fets are more successful anyway because the woman’s body has had more chance to recover from the harsh drugs used for egg growing. There’s some research going on into this at the moment I believe. So please rest assured that you’ve got really good chances with so many eggs, even if you don’t get a fresh transfer.
When I had egg collection they collected 13 eggs . 8 eggs fertilized because of my age. Embryo transfer was done Monday they implanted use blasto cyst which one egg and froze 4
Hi. I had 16 eggs collected. Of that only 11 were suitable for fertilisation and then we got 8 embryos.
Same as you, I was at risk of OHSS but I did not have any symptoms. They told me that there was a possibility that I might have to have a frozen cycle but they decided it was ok in the end and I had a fresh transfer (unsuccessful unfortunately). If you do end up needing a frozen cycle because of overstimulation, although it is a delay, it is likely to be more successful than if you did not wait.
I had a scan on the day of my transfer to check that they were happy with the amount of fluid and they asked me if I had any nausea symptoms.
Try not to worry (easy to say I know) - just look after yourself and the rest is out of your hands. Xx

Thank u so much Zoe my last fresh ended up being a freeze all due to spike in progesterone, had 4 froze only one survived thaw so mixed emotions bout fet but thank u for replying and I know what u mean I'm flat out on Lucozade sport here 🤞🤞 xx
I had 19 eggs collected last Monday and had my transfer last Saturday 😁 it looked as though mild ohss was starting last Thursday so I've been put on blood thinning injections but I'm feeling good and keeping everything crossed. Good luck with your transfer xxx
I know it must be frustrating for you but having been there I’d say it could actually be a good thing. I was so uncomfortable after EC and borderline ohss. If I’d had the option (which I didn’t) I’d definitely have chosen to freeze all and transfer when everything had the chance to settle down. As it was I got a bfn. If I was ever to have to do a new cycle again and I could opt to freeze all I definitely would xx
Hey we had 13 and 11 fertilised, my stomach was massive and I had very mild (borderline) ohss and still had a fresh transfer! It depends on the amount of fluid collected and if you’ve had any other symptoms, like difficulty in breathing, temperatures, legs hot to touch, sickness or swelling anywhere other than my abdomen! Just drink loads of water, the smart water has added electrolytes which apparently helps?? And my transfer was successful! Fingers crossed for you x x
I had 19 eggs collected, and 14 fertilised. I was at risk of OHSS too. Drink plenty of fluids 2-3 litres a day was recommended to rehydrate me. Egg collection was a Monday egg transfer on the following Saturday which went ahead despite my ovaries still being swollen. Now 5 weeks pregnant 😊 and managed to have 7 frozen.
Good luck xx
Hi. I had 26 collected and was very closely monitored for ohss. I had to measure my fluid balance for several days after collection and I went in for blood tests a couple of days after EC and also on the day transfer was due I think.
I did feel bloated and rubbish for about 3 days and was warned that if I got bad ohss they might do a freeze-all cycle but all was well and transfer went ahead. I’m now 29 weeks pregnant.
Remember if they do have to freeze because of this, it’s probably the best thing to do rather than get really unwell. But just wanted you to know that you can still be fine even with high numbers collected. Good luck xx
I'm at risk of OHSS having a high AMH. They counted about 29 follicles. But I've had 2 fresh rounds now and not had OHSS so hang on in there!
Hi Leanne I had 28 eggs at egg collection and had my transfer on day 5. I had 2 embryos transferred and I'm now sitting at home with my 5 month old. I was like you, I was at high risk of OHSS. I was also petrified that it wouldn't work and cried the whole way home from the hospital. Good luck xx
I had 23 follicles aspirated and 18 eggs. Each body responds differently. At my last scan, the nurse said that they might decide to freeze all and prepared me for it. But at retreival, the doctor said it wasn't necessary. I went for a fresh 5 day transfer. The nurse and doctor both said the ovaries were enlarged but still transferred. And again I asked if OHSS was a concern and they didn't seem worried at all. They are also very conservative and cautious with OHSS and have only had one case of severe OHSS in the past 10 years they've said.
Thank u everyone that replied I'm so greatful we got the news thus morning 11 fertilised were thrilled please be 3rd time lucky I wish you's all the love and luck and whatever stage u r on ur journey xx