Well sickness has started... not actually vomiting but just borking constantly and so tired! I really don’t know why they call it morning sickness as mind seems to be 11am -8pm sickness ha ha! Any tips to help with it? Xxx
Sickness : Well sickness has started... - Fertility Network UK

Hey I found that constantly eating plain biscuits or whatever you can stand helps. Just don't let your stomach go empty. I had 24 hour nausea from 5 weeks to 8 weeks.
It will pass! In the meantime, rest when you can. Dry toast, crackers, cereal bars,ginger nut biscuits/Rich Teas/Digestives can help you stave off hunger between meals and help with nausea. Drinking plenty of water too can help. Hang in there. The 2nd trimester should bring some improvement. Xo
Hi, I found crackers and ginger biscuits helps. A midwife recommended booked sweets aswell, something to keep nibbling on. She said the constant trickling of glucose helps. I'm going to try it!
Bless you maybe your cooking up a baby girl I just had twin boys and not one ounce of sickness. My sister had girls she was so sick. Look after yourself xxx
Have something to nibble and eat small regular meals. Also being over tired will prob make it worse so try to get lots of rest. I’m in same position with my second pregnancy now, I had sickness all the way through for first one so hoping this will not be the same! I think 14 weeks is when it disappears for most people. Congratulations xx
Hi Grace , it will ease of once you reach week 12 , I know it’s crazy, I had very bad sicknesses and no energy at all , now I am 15 week I had a very bad cold, keep coughing,immune system very low as baby takes all the vitamins, I recommend you flu jab , i wish I had it at the beginning 😕 I don’t know when will I start enjoying with my pregnancy 🤰 xx
Also I couldn’t drink plain water , I put slice of lemon it helped and tomatoes was life saver in first trimester xx 😊
Poor you I had morning sickness for 3 months all day everyday it was awful but My doctor prescribed so anti sick pills for me which helped a bit xxx
Cheese toasties and bananas (nibbled through the night - the bananas that is). Lots of water. Nausea wrist bands for sea sickness. I had bad nausea all day - am expecting twin boys x