I just had my FET (2 embies) last friday and now Im on my 2WW. I'm praying for a BFP since this is my second try. We had our first IVF cycle back in 2015 and it was BFN. I'm currently on 12 mg PROGYNOVA and 4 x a day 400 mg CYCLOGEST. What to eat and not to eat and any kind of symptoms that my embies implanted? I need your feedback..
On my 2WW after FET... any symptoms t... - Fertility Network UK
On my 2WW after FET... any symptoms to expect for implantation?

Hi there, I’ve had headaches, been crampy, bit nauseous and tired. I know it’s likely it’s the hormones I’m taking though that are giving me these symptoms. Some ladies have experienced spotting around the time of implantation.
As for diet, keep eating a clean balanced diet. Drink lots of water and stay away from caffeine and alcohol. I’m not eating or drinking anything too cold. I’ve read that pineapple and brazil nuts may aid implantation. I eat nuts each day anyway so I have added in a few Brazil nuts and have been eating a slice of pineapple daily too.
Hope this helps and lots of luck with your two week wait, fingers crossed for a positive outcome for you xx
Thanks Dunla =) I put everything now in God's hands and trust for a miracle to happen. =)
Hello Dunla, I am praying for you through. This journey. Your support to everyone including myself has been amazing. Just to add that as you eat the pineapple, remember the core is more important. I am not an expert as I am new to this but I have read many ladies advising of eating pineapple core. I have not yet found out when my transfer will be but I will phone today to find out. Two possible days, today or Wednesday. As soon as I find out I will attack the pineapple core. Not the tastiest thing but worth a try. I would rather eat only the fresh haha. I have also heard Avocado is great. Some ladies advise more protein than carbs but not sure how far true all this is.xxx
Thank you for your lovely message 😘 Great tip about the core, I’ve been munching it too. I don’t mind it at all, tastes quite nice actually. Definitely agree with the avocado and protein too. I’ve been eating plenty of those too. Best of luck to you for your transfer, keep us posted xx
Hi, I had some dull cramping on day 4 and day 5. My boobs have been sore constantly.
I did have cramping before transfer probably caused by the pessaries but on day 4 and 5 they were the worst.
It’s calmed down a bit. Anyway it’s probably all the meds!
I’m on much lower dose of progynova 8mg and 800 g pessaries. I do wonder why clinics are so different as your dose is quite different?
Testing on Friday. Eeeek!!!