Hi everyone, so my impatient husband convinced me to test this evening and sure enough it was a negative. I feel really upset even though I know it’s still early. However, I have seen so many posts of women testing 5 dpt and receiving BFP. I need some encouragement that says we are still in the game? Thanks Oh and might I add we have used DE fresh transfer
Foolishly tested 6dpt5dt: Hi everyone... - Fertility Network UK
Foolishly tested 6dpt5dt
Please try not to feel too bad. It’s so hard not to test early. The 2ww is an absolute killer. As you said you tested far too early. I got a bfn 8dp5dt but then a BFP 10dp5dt. Try to keep as positive as you can over the next couple of days. Good luck for your OTD xx
Don’t worry, you’re way too early to test. While the embryo may have implanted, it is unusual for hcg levels to be high enough to be detected on a hpt at this stage. Day 9 or 10 is the earliest test point, and you may still get a BFN and go on to get a BFP at the official test date. By the way, for the early testing you should use first morning urine... it’s harder to detect low levels of hcg in the day / evening, as it is diluted throughout the day as you drink. The 2ww is so torturous, you have my sympathy! Best of luck to you, I really hope you get your BFP X
Hi there, I was naughty and tested at 10dp3dt on my first attempt and only then got the very faintest line ever (although sadly ended in a miscarriage). I agree with the other posters, it’s abit early yet!!
Sending you lots of positive vibes xx
I would be surprised if someone got a positive after 5dp as that's way too early for anything to show up. Try and be patient and wait for OTD. All the best x
So hard not to cave and test early! But you've still every chance! I dont think many people who are pregnant would get a positive that early on 😘😘😘😘 xx
Arrggghh it's so hard to wait till the day but as the others have said it's too early. Some do get early positives but for a big number of people it's much later in the game. My friend had a negative on day 11 but positive on day 14 and has a gorgeous little girl now!xx
I think it Varys so much from person to person. I personally got a squinter of a line on 5dp5dt this time and on my chemical also on day 5. BUT people are so different and you just might be in the group that get a positive later and either us perfectly normal. You are certainly not out yet and have every chance to still get your bfp up to and even after your OTD x really hope this is your time lots of luck xx
I tested day 9 when I has a 3 day FET... 6 Days is too early cause u could be still in the implantation stage.... they say if u do early testing wait at least 9 days after.... and I got a BFP so stay motivated and don't test til prob another 2 Days... Good luck!! 🍀