Well here we are again....: Morning... - Fertility Network UK

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Well here we are again....

Becky179 profile image
18 Replies

Morning wonderful ladies.

So as many of you know our 12 week scan didn't go well last wednesday & unfortunately baby had stopped growing at 9 weeks. I had surgery on Friday to take over from my body, as nothing was happening naturally.

So we have 2x frosties and we've made the decision to try again asap. We managed to get a cancellation at the clinic yesterday. Our doctor said we have just been really unlucky & our body's do work together as we've had our son (whos 5) & 2x failed pregnancies. We feel there is no reason to wait and as I'm now most fertile for 3 months . The only reason to wait was if im not mentally ready. I feel ready, which is hard for people to understand. But I have to be positive, because the alternative is too awful to comprehend. Also it means if we're again not successful we can start to draw a line under this part of our lives. It doesn't look like we can afford to go again for a fresh cycle as 2x fresh & 1x frozen will have almost cleared us out financially.

So we can start The dreaded Buserylin again on 1st Feb, and see if we're luckily this time.

Sorry for going on. I needed to get it all down, there is more in my head but don't want to write an essay for you all 😂

Lots of love & luck to you all. Becky xxx

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Becky179 profile image
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18 Replies

Becky I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost a baby last year at 4 and a half weeks and I know how painful it is especially when it’s such a wanted baby.

I also ploughed straight back into trying again- for me it felt the right decision. My hubby was shocked!

After 5 months of ttc since my miscarriage I have stopped trying as my endo symptoms are back and I’m booked to have another laparoscopy- endo was the cause of our infertility took 6 years to find it- I need to sort this before trying again 😫

I really get why you are keen to go again.

All the best with your cycle xoxo

Becky179 profile image
Becky179 in reply to

I just don't want to wait any longer than i need too. I'm sure people will think Its too soon. Luckily Hubby feels the same as I do. I'm sorry your having such a tough time, it really can be draining can't it. We just need to try and stay positive. X

Thankyou for your words Xx

in reply to Becky179

Whatever feels right for you- no one has a right to say what is right or wrong. There is no right or wrong in this. Dont let anyone make you feel like that they’re not in your shoes.

I’m in much better place thank you and I know I’ve made the right decision to put it on hold till my endo is sorted. It is too hard to keep trying knowing it will fail because I’m pretty sure the endo is back.

This whole process is very difficult and I think draining is a good choice of word for it.

Keep positive that we can get pregnant that with infertility can in itself be such a difficult battle.

I am relieved to know I can get pregnant by my hubby because after 6 years of trying I didn’t think that was possible.

I have a son from a previous relationship. Friends and family used to assume it the infertility issue had to be him- turns out it was me. How quick people are to make assumptions! Not he has ever blamed me- neither of us did that as far as we are concerned we are in this thing together ☺️🌈

Thank you for the lovely words too.

Good luck for the fet xoxo

Gingergirl17 profile image

wish you all the luck in the world x

Becky179 profile image
Becky179 in reply to Gingergirl17

Thankyou very much xxc

Good luck! Totally understand how you feel with starting again I was the same but had to wait for 2 periods xx

E_05 profile image

So sorry for your loss but totally get the want to start again. After my first MMC I was the same and started my FET on my 2nd period. Your right only you know if your mentally ready and that’s what is important, wishing you lots of luck x

TTCs profile image

Hi Becky, firstly im so sorry for your devastating loss.

It is great to hear u have a plan and are ready to get started again! I havent been in your situation so can only empathise and say that I feel I would do the same as you and want to get started straight away! Your body seems to be telling you it's ready to go 😘 I think if it wasnt you wouldnt feel so ready to begin again! Sending u lots of luck xxx

Mrsgled1982 profile image

Hiya am so sorry for your loss.

I totally get what you are saying about trying again so soon. Im in the same position.

The only thing that is holding us up is getting an appointment for the nurse consultation.

I do feel ready to go again thats not to say that the baby i lost didnt mean anything to me, i just cope better having something to focus on.

in reply to Mrsgled1982

I was the same. I lost a baby last July and I wanted to try straight away it’s not about replacing or forgetting because you don’t- it’s about getting the goal you set out to on this journey xoxo I’m sorry for your loss 💔 xoxo

Amelia2018 profile image

So sorry for your loss , it’s good that you are planning to start again xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Sorry for your loss lovely. It's so hard isn't it?

Icompletely get where your coming from hun. Im the same I pick myself up and keep trying more or less straight away if you read my posts you'll know my situation. I feel it's easier to carry on that dwell on the what we can't change and what would have been. It's not to say that the ones we've lost we don't care about it's just the process of life. We will always mark their due dates lost dates somehow. They're in our hearts.

The end goal remains the same until it's achieved. Unless the goal changes in the mean time and that would be when we realise we can't continue to put ourselves through this anymore because the grief will catch up and the process does take so much out of us.

I wish you all the luck and baby dust in the world Hun your a strong lady and hat off to you going through ivf those that know me know iv utter respect for you strong ladies. I hope and pray this is your time hun good luck 💗💗🤗😘

Cinderella5 profile image

So sorry for your loss Becky! I just wanted to say how incredible you are! Although I havent been in your position I can understand with wanting to get started again. I guess we all just want to know where we are sooner than later and dont want to drag everything out longer than we have to. Heaps of luck going forward!xx

Dunla profile image

Becky you are amazing and so very brave. Wishing you all the luck in the world as you go forward with your treatment in a few weeks time. Sending you lots of love xx

Catlady2013 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. You’ve got to do what’s right for you. After a previous mmc and finding out on Monday at our 7 week scan there was no heartbeat following 3rd iui, we’re off for our first ivf appointment in the morning! Again, people may think it’s too soon, but I’m super conscious that we will be more likely to get that bfp in the months to come..... I will be thinking of you, best of luck 🍀🍍x

Missy_22 profile image

Good luck to you and I completely understand why you want to go so quicklet. After my miscarriage 5 weeks ago I wanted to go ASAP so starting a fresh cycle soon.

Just look after yourself and all the best for next time xxxx ❤️

Chloegreenkiwi profile image

So sorry to hear about your loss. We’re 10wk but last scan was 9 and u constantly think I could be in the same boat and won’t know for a few weeks. I get why you would want to just get on with it again. I don’t think there’s any harm in that if you’re ready for it. Good luck next time round- will keep everything crossed! X

Aleelilook profile image

I’m so sorry Becky, Christ it’s so bloody painful (understatement I know). You do what’s best for you both, and if that’s going again then you should do it. Wishing lots of luck xxx

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