need some encouragement..: hi all, just... - Fertility Network UK

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need some encouragement..

sammejayne profile image
63 Replies

hi all, just joined here.. I am 28 been ttc for 2.5 years, I have never been pregnant, I have been diagnosed with 'unexplained' which leaves me in limbo.. any one else unexplained and had there baby??xx

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sammejayne profile image
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63 Replies
Hope_4_2017x profile image

Hiya, mine was unexplained and I'm 22 weeks pregnant 😊 xx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Hope_4_2017x

how long did it take you to get pregnant? congrats :)

Hope_4_2017x profile image
Hope_4_2017x in reply to sammejayne

Thanks 😊We were trying for 4 years, got pregnant on our first ivf try 😁xx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Hope_4_2017x

did you try clomid/iui or anything before?xx

Hope_4_2017x profile image
Hope_4_2017x in reply to sammejayne

Yes I had Clomid for a few months, 3 I think and 2 tries at iui xx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Hope_4_2017x

did they say why the iui didn't work? im thinking of trying it but not sure if there is any point, I will have to egg share as do not get funded ivf..x

Hope_4_2017x profile image
Hope_4_2017x in reply to sammejayne

No its just one of those things, it's basically just assisted natural conception so i guess no different to a normal failed month. I've seen a couple of ladies on here that have had success with iui. It's rubbish that they won't fund ivf for you xx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Hope_4_2017x

I know it's so crap, I have brought a mosie baby which is basically iui but do it yourself so will try that haha xx

We are classed as unexplained. I do have polycystic ovaries but they weren’t bad enough to cause a problem and I was still ovulating. We are now nearly 27 weeks xx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to

Hi I also have polycystic ovaries but not enough to cause a problem also, how long di it take you to get pregnant? and did you d anything different?x

in reply to sammejayne

I had my first cycle last Nov after trying for 2.5 years and we got pregnant but I had a miscarriage then had FET in May.

I didn’t change anything really I just stopped drinking caffeine and tried to eat more fruit and veg. I was in the mind set that if people get pregnant while drinking, eating bad and smoking then I didn’t want to stress myself out too much by worrying about it. I would have changed my ways if I didn’t get any positives.

I also take metformin as well but don’t know if that helps at all. I had to really push my GP to get it xx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to

ive just seen you had ivf, I don't get funded ivf as my bf has a daughter already :( so egg sharing would be the way I have to go.. how long ttc did you go for ivf?x

in reply to sammejayne

Aw that’s unfair 😔. I went to the GP after 2 years as I work in a GP surgery so know the rules and how easily and quickly they can change. We were then referred to a GP fertility specialist who then referred us to fertility clinic for IVF after checking that I didn’t need clomid. So by the time I had IVF it was nearly three years TTC xx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to

I have tried 3 months of clomid, and due to start another 3 next cycle, do you think it is worth trying IUI? I just feel because I don't get funded ivf, that im pushed to the side :( x

in reply to sammejayne

I didn’t get offered clomid because I was still ovulating so went straight to IVF so don’t have any experience with IUI I’m afraid. Would you get IUI funded on the nhs then? X

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to

well they have tried clomid just to try something I think lol, but I already ovulate on my own.. no don't get that funded either, but there is a scheme where my bf can sperm share and can get free cycles of iui.. I just don't know wether to try that first or not x

in reply to sammejayne

I suppose there is no harm in trying clomid I just didn’t want to risk losing any IVF funding. I don’t know what the outcome of IUI is like x

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to

I just don't know what step to take next :( x

in reply to sammejayne

I can only imagine how frustrating it is 😔 xx

Cyantist profile image

I had unexplained infertility. We unfortunately needed ivf, 6 rounds of iui didn't work but ivf worked first go.

If you do go down the treatment route, either for iui or ivf, there is a huge price difference between different clinics so if you can 'shop around' so to speak you might find places that aren't too expensive

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Cyantist

do you think I shouldn't bother with iui then?.. not hearing much success with it tbh..x

Cyantist profile image
Cyantist in reply to sammejayne

It does work for some I suppose - our 6 goes at it were free luckily but I haven't come across that many people who have been successful with it.

I think for unexplained infertility, that there must be something wrong even if they can't find what it is. And there's so few possible things that could be wrong that would be overcome simply by having iui.

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Cyantist

I have purchased something online called mosie baby which will basically be like iui, so will see how that goes. is the ivf process stressful?x

Cyantist profile image
Cyantist in reply to sammejayne

Well fingers crossed it works! It may well do. I put off ivf for years and years and while I know this isn't the experience of a lot of women here, I found it easy from start to finish. There was no stress at all, apart from one lot of drugs made me spaced out and fall over! But they reduced the dose straight away and I was fine. I'd do it again no problem if it wasn't for the horrible pregnancy part!

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Cyantist

How many appointment did you have to go for? As I'd have to use holiday at work for mine.. so I'm intrigued xx

Cyantist profile image
Cyantist in reply to sammejayne

Once I was at the clinic itself (as opposed to having all the tests done through the hospital) I had an initial appointment with the consultant then started treatment. Then there were maybe 7 appointments in total at the clinic but most were really quick (literally in and out in 5 minutes). You're allowed reasonable time off for medical appointments - if you had very early or late appointments could you still go to work in those days? I didn't need to take a single day holiday throughout the whole thing as they just gave me early or lunchtime slots.

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Cyantist

Yes I do get a certain amount of hospital allowance xx

ClarabGlasgow profile image
ClarabGlasgow in reply to Cyantist

Cyantist I just read your posts & see you have low amh. Mine is 3.1 and my fsh 9.9 I responded very poorly to the highest dose drugs in short protocol ivf. Only got 2 mature eggs, both fertilised & had one top grade to transfer but got bfn . The third egg collected was immature & one ovary developed a cyst so gave me no eggs :( I feel like the ivf was quite a failure in that my poor response kind of stumped our chances. Oddly I had a follicle count on day 8 of my cycle in March this year of at least 10 so it’s like the drugs had the opposite than desired effect during ivf in September. Any suggestions for things to try if I was to give ivf anothet go? I’m 33 and have a 3yo daughter conceived naturally and quickly. I see you have one too who I’m sure you’re as grateful as I am for xx

Cyantist profile image
Cyantist in reply to ClarabGlasgow

I'm sorry your first cycle didn't work out. We did long protocol and although I didn't respond that well to the drugs initially, they put me on the maximum dose and got 6 eggs. My daughter is one of those, so we don't have any conceived naturally unfortunately. It must be so frustrating when you know nothing was wrong just a few years ago! Did you find your clinic good? Ours was amazing and I honestly believe it's just because of them it worked and that we wouldn't have been successful elsewhere, especially as our clinic has a 75% success rate. So all I can say is make sure you're 100% happy with where you are especially if you're paying for it! Good luck x

klh386 profile image

Sammyejane, just sending a little encouragement. I'm in the middle of IVF (did stimming and egg collection, embryo transfer Saturday). Don't be afraid to do IVF with egg sharing! You are young and could be surprised by just how many good eggs they could collect, leaving you with a reasonable number. The younger you are, the better. And IVF isn't that bad, I's just the grief of the years of getting there that could well near kill a lady! Not pushing it, just saying it isn't a horrible option like some doctors make it out to be. Sending prayers your way that you proceed in a way that's right for you xx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to klh386

Ah thank you so much, I think this is the route I am going to take.. in just so nervous. Good luck! Please let me kno how you get on xx

klh386 profile image
klh386 in reply to sammejayne

If you ever get nervous reach out to me and I'll assure you :)

klh386 profile image
klh386 in reply to klh386

Also should mention I really didn't have to take much time off work. Got in late a few mornings from bloods/scans every other day (5 times total I think, and by late maybe 9:30am). Egg collection day you will need off, and embryo transfer, maybe a morning (and they might recommend you rest at home the next day). My cycle was pretty lucky in that I missed 1.5 days of work and a few early mornings.

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to klh386

Thank you xx

KiraJean profile image

Both my husband and I were classed as unexplained, no baby just yet, but we have 8 frozen fertilised eggs in the freezer right no so fingers crossed! We have been trying for almost four years and have had two cycles of IVF/ICSI.

embiemomma profile image

we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility, tried for 3 years, had 9 months of unsuccessful clomid, a failed fresh cycle and a FET... He's now 8 months old ☺

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to embiemomma

What's an fet?xx

embiemomma profile image

sorry, a frozen embryo transfer (from our fresh cycle)

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to embiemomma

I see, so you think it would be worth freezing some then! You have to pay extra for that don't you xx

embiemomma profile image
embiemomma in reply to sammejayne

we got 11 eggs at collection, 9 fertilized and 5 made it to day 5 blastocyst stage, our fresh transfer failed and they thawed 3 to get a good enough one to transfer, so we have 1 left in the freezer. A FET is much less demanding than a fresh cycle. Mine was NHS so they stored for 12 months, now we have to pay to store.

klh386 profile image
klh386 in reply to sammejayne

There's a cost but it isn't as much as another IVF and spares you the hormones that involves. Hoping as many of our little embryos make it to Saturday morning as possible so we can transfer one and freeze the rest (I will transfer them all eventually!) x

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to klh386

How long from transfer do you find out if it works?xx

klh386 profile image
klh386 in reply to sammejayne

They want me to use the clinic's issued pregnancy test 14 days later, but I'm sure I'll try sooner, maybe each day from a week later, to see if it's come up positive.

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to klh386

Aww wow, so excited for you xx

klh386 profile image
klh386 in reply to sammejayne

Thanks! Hoping for the best, and keeping you in my thoughts too xx

Cyantist profile image
Cyantist in reply to sammejayne

Just to add, we have 5 embryos frozen and it costs us £300 a year to store them so it's not a horrendous amount x

Lynnr54 profile image

My cousin had unexplained issues and had twins from her third round of IVF (she swears the two of them needed each other to survive).

One thing you may want to consider is looking at a refund progamme such as access fertility. It’s more expensive to start with but if not successful then you get refunded some of your costs (I’ve never looked into the exact details so not sure how much you would get back). I don’t know if you could do in conjunction with egg sharing or not.

ClarabGlasgow profile image

Hi. Sorry to hear this I’ve been ttc my second for nearly 2 years & have had 1 failed round of ivf. We are also unexplained & conceived our daughter 4 years ago with no problems . It drives you round the bend trying to understand why it’s not happening. I’d suggest getting more tests (there are a lot out there but not all funded by Nhs) then take it from there . There are also a lot of supplements to try I tend to introduce anew one every month to keep up hope! X

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to ClarabGlasgow

What other tests do you suggest?xx

ClarabGlasgow profile image

I’ve had the normal day 3 and day 21 ones but there’s also amh test which is done routinely for ivf and might offer some info. On semen analysis there are morphology tests not part of Nhs testing. I Adked gp for autoimmune antibody test and also android tests but not sure they will give me those - being referred back to gynaecologist now. I’m kind of in same boat as you regarding no Nhs funding so the docs don’t offer much support. Will let you know if I think of anything else x

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to ClarabGlasgow

Thank you xxx

Daxi16 profile image

We had unexplained tried and expecting twins in 4 weeks. Xxx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Daxi16

Congrats, did you have ivf?x

Daxi16 profile image
Daxi16 in reply to sammejayne

No just clomid in the end have a look back on my profile if you want to chat PM me xx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Daxi16

ive already had 3 months of clomid and nothing, well I wasn't even monitored to see what happened when I took it! af due tomorrow and can already tell its coming, I start clomid again when I come on x

Daxi16 profile image
Daxi16 in reply to sammejayne

Sorry to hear that! Don't give up hope tho it will happen. Unexplained is hard as you have nothing to fix as such or don't know where to start. Have you had all the tests etc xx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Daxi16

Yeh I have as far as I'm aware, my gynaecologist Isnt the best though it will be 9months since I last saw him when I getto my next appointment :( x

Daxi16 profile image
Daxi16 in reply to sammejayne

I had all those tests etc and came back pretty normal partners sperm wasn't great boarder line normal. You will get there in the end I promise just seems like a never ending journey doesn't it xx

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Daxi16

it sure does, I think im just going to go straight for ivf (egg sharing) im just so fed up now!x

Tezzabell86 profile image


My name is Terri and I’ve been ttc for just over 2 years. Back in January of this year I decided to start the process to figure out what’s going on. I lost almost 7 stone in order to help things. They did my AMH levels and it turns out that I have a very low egg count for my age. For a normal 31 year old my egg count should be around 19.7. But my egg count is 6.1 which is someone between the ages of 40 and 50. The two options they gave us was clomid and IVF (this was back in July but my bmi was just a little over 30 so still needed to continue on my weight loss journey). So whilst I was continuing with the weight loss journey to get my bmi under 30 we tried clomid. Did this for 2 months and turned out that my egg release were delayed (day 17 in the first month and day 19 in the second month) and it also turned out that I wasn’t ovulating either. This was heartbreaking to hear and made what I do for a living even harder (I’m a Nursery Nurse). So the only option for us now is IVF and our consultant wanted us to start us on IVF as soon as possible. So on the 21st of October the process for IVF and Monday of this week (6th Nov) we had my egg collection and they managed to collect 7 eggs from me to my surprise. They called me on Tuesday to tell me they managed to fertilise 4 of 7 eggs. The embryo transfer is tomorrow morning. Feeling a little excited and a little nervous at the same time. It’s been so overwhelming but fingers crossed.

sammejayne profile image
sammejayne in reply to Tezzabell86

Oh wow good luck let us know!xxx

Tezzabell86 profile image
Tezzabell86 in reply to sammejayne

Thank you. Will definitely let you guys know the outcome in a couple of weeks time xxx

robbie03 profile image

We were unexplained, although they were slightly concerned re motility of OH’s sperm. No BFP’s in 21/2 years, had IVF funding axed so we went for private stimulated IUI, and I’m pregnant with twins! It’s only a 15% chance of working but it worked for us. Feel very lucky.

Good luck with your journey - whatever the route and one day you will get there!!! Xx

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