Anyone else having their EC’s on Monday??
EC monday: Anyone else having their EC... - Fertility Network UK
EC monday

Yes I am
How r u feeling about it? I’m really nervous 😟 xx
Try not to worry, it’s fine. I’ve had it twice and both times I don’t remember as the sedation sent me to sleep and affected my memory too! Afterwards it was just like bad period pains, get a hot water bottle and some paracetamol and prepare to spend the rest of the day on the sofa!
No, but good luck! I was the same as Lizzie and I slept through most of it (woke up once in the middle to hear them saying there were no eggs so when I came round properly I really panicked but in the end I got plenty so I must have just woken up at the wrong moment when they were trying to get an empty follicle).
Afterwards it was like bad period pains but I spent the rest of the day on the sofa and was able to go back to life the following day. I did have quite bad constipation for a couple of days so stock up on some fresh orange just in case!
I am too! I'm just nervous about the pain during the procedure.
Thanks for the tips
Hey lovely lady,
Don't worry. It shouldn't hurt too much. When I had EC I was out like a light and then woke up to some soreness and cramps. I drank plenty of water, ate protein and relaxed for two days in bed. It also helps to walk around the house as you can get quite bloated. But all in all it isn't the most painful experience.
Good luck with yours xxxx
Good luck tomorrow ladies.
I didn't feel anything during the procedure it wasn't until I got home I was in some discomfort and needed a hot water bottle and paracetamol. Make sure you rest for the rest of the day. I would highly recommend Netflix, cups of tea and goodies. Oh and before you have your transfer enjoy eating anything you will miss when you are pregnant. Hubby and I had a feast of cheese, steak and pate 😂!
Hope all goes well.
I’ve had egg collection from a round of IUI. I don’t remember anything I slept through it all, I just remember waking up and I’d been telling the nurses all about my new dressing gown 😂 I just had bad period type pains later on and was really sleepy xx