An update from the embryologist came today, of our 10 fertilised eggs 9 are top grade or good. Freezing tomorrow so will be given the definite number then. I'm so pleased as my recovery from egg collection has been awful. Its day 4 after collection. At 1 o'clock this morning I woke to a terrible pain in my stomach. I was sweating, shaking and feeling sick. An hour or so later it had passed. In general I can't wear any clothes other than my husband's sweats. My belly is huge and very uncomfortable! I was 8 stone on Monday, weighed yesterday and was just over 8.4 stone. I've got a mild case of OHSS and was told just to hold on in and it will get better with time. Sorry I've just turned to this forum as a way to vent. This is such an up and down emotional process. I'm praying a good number will be frozen tomorrow. I want this to work more than anything in the world. I'd put my body through this again if I had to but hope I'm not selfish in saying that id definitely rather not! xx
The up's and down's..: An update from... - Fertility Network UK
The up's and down's..

You are definitely not selfish! Sounds like you have had a really tough time since EC and no wonder you'd rather not go through it again if possible, I hope you are getting plenty of rest. Sounds like your embryos are doing really well so hopefully you get a good few to freeze. Wishing you lots of luck and hope you feel better soon. Xx

Hi ashlou86. So sorry to hear that you have been so poorly. It is very important to drink plenty of water, up to 3L. Rest when you can, and take some paracetamol for any pain, unless something else has been prescribed. No anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen. I shall be thinking of you tomorrow, and hope your embryos behave. Diane
Thanks Diane. I'm trying to drink as much as I can. At least im not off my food so trying to keep my energy up aswell with lots of protein. Fingers crossed for tomorrow 🤞
Hope you feel better soon !!! Xxxxxx
Also awesome news on your embies !!! 😍 xxxx
Thank you. I had the final call this morning to say 5 have been frozen, 3 really good quality and 2 average. I feel loads better this morning so hopefully will fit into some regular clothes in time for my bday on Monday! Hope your doing ok and work isn't too bad next week xxx
Aw that's amazing !! Well done you ! I don't miss the post Egg retrieval bloat ! I think it took a good 6 weeks for my stomach to look normal again, i just wore my pjs and joggers at home for ages. Back to work Monday ! I have to go back sooner rather than later ! Need some kind of routine ... glad you had good news xxxxxx
Bless you not nice a! Def been there since my EC too. Am so bloated especially at night so like u am up feeling v uncomfortable for most of the night. Not much sleep for awhile 😌 they suggesting drinking lots and peppermint for me. Not nice a. Just keep trying to think it means to an end n it will go soon. Can def empathise thou it horrid 😩