Spoke with my nurse she said my Fhs levels where slightly high than normal which means I have low ovary reserve. Is there any supplements I can take to improve egg quality only got 6 eggs at egg retrieval. She said it's not just ur husband now with the fertility problem now. 😭
Low ovary reserve : Spoke with my... - Fertility Network UK
Low ovary reserve

What an unhelpful sounding nurse. Great way to put you at ease! It's about quality not quantity so just work on having a healthy diet and doing a bit of low level exercise.
Speak to your clinic about DHEA. My clinic have recommended that to me due to low Amh.

Thanks Hun I am going to go into holland and Barrett tomorrow to get some supplements. Xx
Have you read "it starts with an egg"? There's a lot of helpful information in there with things that can help improve quality. I'm not following all of it but there are a few bits I'm trying as age isn't on my side so both quality and quantity are an issue for me. Good luck.

I agree with mrs b - read it's starts with an egg and pick out the bits that are most useful to you. It also explains how to support sorry quality too!

Thanks Hun downloaded the book to my phone last night going to have a reed at it later on today. Feeling a bit ruff after a few wines last night xx
Why are they considering six eggs as low? And why don’t they do an amh test for your ovarian reserve if they are so concerned?
I had three mature eggs collected at EC (I’m 38 with an amh of 8). All went to blast and I’m pregnant with the highest quality one.
It’s quality over quantity.
Congrats Hun. My fhs level was 11 anything over 10 was seen as low ovarian reserve. Xx
I had an fsh test and remember it was borderline but they said they wanted the amh to check ovarian reserve anyway so they could plan the ivf drugs better.
One lady on here had one cycle with one embryo at the end and the next cycle had 5 embryos at the end. She had no difference in her medication or cycles.
Hello, definitely look in to DHEA. I had really high FSH and really low AMH. In the end, I only managed to get eggs from one ovary and on the day of transfer only had one good one and one ok one. These eggs are almost two now. Don't give up but do some research - good luck xx