Hello lovely ladies (and gents),
I am back after a few weeks break...
Apologies in advance for the long post..
I am feeling a little more positive although am now back in my two week wait π I am hoping as that is all I can do. It is so hard. I really feel for everyone on here who is also finding this journey such a challenge with its many obstacles.
For anyone who doesn't know we do not qualify for any treatment or help due to my age so are still trying naturally. I believe I have (from what I've read) secondary infertility. The drs say there is nothing wrong with me physically and all the blood tests and the ultrasound they have done all came back clear however it hasn't happened for us. We also had the added stress of being told DH was all clear and then 2wks later finding out he needed to be retested with no explanation.
I have so much love and respect for all of you who are going through IVF, IUI, ICSI etc etc as I don't know how I would deal with it all.
It gives me such hope seeing all you lovely ladies reaching your milestone scans and getting your BFPs. I know in my heart that one day I will be called mummy but I just have to learn to deal with the emotional side of this journey until I get there.
I want to thank everyone for all the kind wishes and support π
So any tips for the next two weeks to save me going stir crazy??
Kelly xx