No go this cycle. : Just to let you... - Fertility Network UK

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No go this cycle.

β€’31 Replies

Just to let you know our eldest daughter started her af late Monday night, 7dp5dt. Yesterday it was obvious to her it had become a full blown period, and a test gave her a BFN yesterday, her OTD was to be on Sunday. She's always been very attuned to her body so we know she's out this cycle but she will still test on Sunday.

Feeling fed up but still positive for the future for her, thank you so much for your help during the last few weeks, without you I wouldn't have had a clue!!

Wishing everyone the very best of luck and lots of fertile fairy dust for you all! 😍πŸ’ͺ🏼🀞🏼🌹 xoxoxo

31 Replies

Oh Sunonrainyday I'm so so sorry. This journey is unbelievably cruel. I don't know why good people are made to suffer. Its so unfair there are no words for it xoxo

in reply to

Thank you love, I so admire your strength and determination! Great news that you can achieve pregnancy though! I'd not worry too much about when you can start trying again, your body won't let you conceive again until it's ready. Sending you lots of hugs xxxx

in reply to

Thank you.

Im trying after my next period- the gynae doctor at EPU said it was ok to. I have endometriosis which the implants were removed in June so it can grow back- I can't delay trying not that I want to. My GP was a bit odd about it - but I've avoided him since he dismissed my endo pain. At end of the day my miscarriage was super early and as my mum says in her day they wouldn't have known- she's very against this early testing-dosent blame us for wanting to but thinks it shouldn't be available as things are so delicate at 4/5 weeks. The body is an amazing thing at repairing itself-life is a powerful thing. I don't know if it's strength or stupidity to keep going! I am grateful to know we can fall because that is the battle with infertility it gives us hope. Trying for so long without a positive test makes you doubt it can happen..

I am sorry for your daughter it's rubbish. I hope she feels better in time. No consolation but not many fall on their first IVF round- it's more diagnosisic xoxo

in reply to

Thank you, I told her that.

I agree with your mum entirely, wise lady. You'll get there! πŸ’ Xxx

_MrsC profile image

I'm really sorry to read this. Continue to shower her with love as you have done already and she'll pull through stronger than before. Let her be angry, frustrated and sad. It will pass in time. Take time to grieve yourself too. It's very hard to watch someone you love go through ivf when it's unsuccessful. xxx

in reply to _MrsC

Aww thank you, I think it's made worse because our 2 sons have 3 each but that's life isn't it.

I've just read your last post, omg how awful is that! I'm fuming for you, sounds as though she's clueless and just saying the first thing to come into her head. I'd take what she said with a huge pinch of salt, without proper testing she couldn't possibly know anything of the sort! As for your family and friends, I think they think they should say something but of course sometimes it's better to just listen, I'm learning that now, better late than never!

Maybe stopping the stress of ivf and getting back to living and enjoying life again will work out positively for your fertility, in my 57 years I've seen it happen to friends and family lots of times.

Huge hugs xxxx

Cinderella5 profile image

Oh Im so sorry to hear that! She must be gutted, you too having to watch her go through this.....I know my mum finds it hard. This happened to me on my last two cycles and its horrible! Give her lots of hugs, it does get better!xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you, you're so lovely. How are things going with you now? xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

We're Ok! We've had to accept that my eggs are rubbish, even although we got to blastocyst....theres only so many tries before you get broken, not to mention the financial aspect so we are starting a DE cycle soon! Thanks for asking!😊xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Ooh how exciting, are you staying in the uk for it? xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

No heading abroad, flights and accommodation all booked so the count down is on. At least we get a holiday at the same time!! Yes, it is very exciting!!xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Exactly, especially considering we've not seen the sun properly for weeks! Our yd and fiancΓ© are in the south of France this week lucky things, I'm dog sitting lol.

Good luck, when do you fly out? xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Ha ha ha left at home with the dog! Oh the south of France sounds lovely! Flying out on Sept 26th so not long to go!xx

NMP1026 profile image


If bleeding is at 5dp5dt transfer this maybe implementation bleeding. A test wouldn't show anything yet. Otherwise I'm so sorry to read this I've got everything crossed. If there was ever a time a girl needed her mum. Sending love and hugs to you both xx

in reply to NMP1026

Sorry, it was 7dp5dt not 5, getting my days muddled, can't think straight, I've amended the post.

Thank you for your kind words! How are you doing my lovely, it's so hard isn't it :(

Reading your story it's very similar to our daughter, her hubby had to have sperm retrieval too, they got enough for 4 goes, they've just had their first ICSI and they have 3 or 4 frozen embryos waiting in the wings...they said definitely 3 and maybe 4 but they've not told her for definite if the 4th was able to be frozen.

Our daughter rang the clinic today and she's been told to carry on with the pessaries and to test again Sunday but she knows she's out this time. They told her it'll be 3 months before she can try again, seems like a long time but I suppose they know what they're doing!

Thinking of you xxxx

NMP1026 profile image
NMP1026 in reply to

Awe bless you. I keep thinking of my mum and wishing she was with us. It must be so hard for you.

It's an absolutely awful feeling and makes you loose all trust in the process. Yet we have got so far and we can't give up just yet. We can't leave the frosties in the freezer lol. This time last week I was feeling so poorly and in bed today for the 1st time I have been able to smile so things do get a bit easier. I know your daughter doesn't want to come on the forum but if she wants to message me she is more than welcome.

We have been told a month but there is no way in this world I will be ready. I have my follow up in 2weeks and booked some counselling.

Look after yourself and your girl. If you are anything to go by she will one day make an amazing mum and you a loving and doting nanny. Sending love and hugs xxx

in reply to NMP1026

Aww bless you, it must be so hard!

I have 7 Grandchildren, 3 girls from son #1 plus a girl his partner had from a previous relationship and 2 girls and a boy from son #2. I love them all but sadly don't see them as often as I'd like as they all live 200 miles away.

Our eldest daughter (32) lives in Liverpool and we live in East Yorkshire so it's a 2 hour journey to see her, we all talk a lot on the phone, messenger, Skype etc.

I'll tell her about you because your stories are very similar, the thing about her is that she puts a brave face on everything, she always has, but underneath I know she is breaking. This journey is very hard for everyone involved and their loved ones.

Our yd (20) lives 3 doors up from us so see her every day pretty much lol, she's the one who has PCOS. They've been trying for almost a year now, she and her fiancΓ© have their wedding booked for August 2019. She's always dreamt of being a mum and wanted to start early but it's just not happening, hopefully they'll both get their wish in the future and you will too!

Huge hugs and positive vibes to you xxxx

CountryCat profile image

So unfair...😒

I was really hoping for some good news this weekend. I am truly sorry, but know you will be giving her all the love and encouragement you always have. She will get through, with you by her side xx

in reply to CountryCat

Thank you, this was her first go so we were both realistically cautious but it was still a blow.

I'm so happy for you, seeing your lovely scan has really made my morning! Not too long before you start feeling those wonderful baby kicks, the feeling is priceless 😍 xxxx

CountryCat profile image
CountryCat in reply to

Thank you for your kind words xx

Fredaflintstone profile image

So sorry to hear your daughters news 😒 So hard for her and for you to see her heart break. Sending you both lots of hugs. Xxxx

in reply to Fredaflintstone

Aww thank you! She's been told she's got to wait 3 months until the next try which seems a long time, but it'll soon go I guess. How are you doing? xxx

sunshineyellow profile image

Hi there seems as though we both share something in our names!!

I'm sorry to read your post. I just wanted to say it's not over til it's over. My first cycle back in march I had started bleeding before OTD and was convinced it was my period. Did a test on OTD and showed a faint positive, but I was bleeding so much I just didn't see how it would be possible to be pregnant with this much blood. I miscarried 5 weeks later, had no idea I was 'pregnant' as the line was so faint and took too long to come up. I'd also stopped the pessaries.

I don't want to give you false hope but it is possible to bleed and have a positive. And please don't let your daughter stop the pessaries until she knows the outcome.

Sending you both lots of hugs xx

in reply to sunshineyellow

Really? Wow, thank you for the info! Just goes to show doesn't it, she'll be using the pessaries until Sunday's test but she's pretty certain it's over.

Good luck tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed 🀞🏼 xxxx

sunshineyellow profile image
sunshineyellow in reply to

Thank you!! Xxx

emiraven62 profile image

Oh I'm very sorry. It is so difficult to go through this. It's annoying and heartbreaking. Best wishes to her.

in reply to emiraven62

Thank you, enjoy your holiday xxx

7AVA profile image

Sorry to hear this but fingers crossed for a future cycle xxx

in reply to 7AVA

Thank you, everything is crossed for you too! When will you be having the FET? xxx

7AVA profile image
7AVA in reply to

Thank you. We're starting with buserelin injections next week! X

in reply to 7AVA

Ooh how exciting, I'll keep looking for updates, good luck xxx

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