are there side effects of taking this? Only started them on Friday and havent experienced anything from them as of yet ...x
Burselin : are there side effects of... - Fertility Network UK

Everyone is different but the side affects I get are headaches, hot sweats, mood swings. As it only been a few days it might be a bit soon for side affects or you might just be lucky and not get any - try not to worry to much if you don't get any some women don't x
Thank you! i did think that because ive only taken them for 3 days its probs not in my system properly yet ... but then i was thinking oh god what if ive not done it right hopefully im lucky haha!!xx
I'm sure your doing them fine, how are you finding it? Yeah fingers crossed, I find drinking tons of water helps with the headaches if you do get any xx
Yeah injections are going really well, first one i credit like a baby just at the thought of my injecting myself but from the next one i was absolutely fine they sting a little bit after and it also comes up a bit red and raised?xx
That's understandable, I sometimes not have to tell myself it's all worth it before injecting. Some of mine go like you leave the needle in for a few seconds after you've injected that can help? Also if your finding it really itchy you can put an ice cube on after xx
I got super tired after taking this for a bit then towards the end just before stims I got some pretty bad headaches but that's about it really! Best of luck!xx
Thank you! how long roughly would you say before you got anything?xx
Hello, like the others, have had headaches, tiredness and also night sweats. Not everyday but the headaches were tough to shake on the days I had them. The clinic told me the symptoms would go once the stim drugs kicked in and so far, that's been the case (though far more mood swings now!!!). But a friend of mine had no symptoms when she took it so I wouldn't worry! Good luck to you! xxx
Ahh wonderful thank you for that! I think because ive only been taking them a couple of days they haven't kicked in properly yet so i will be waiting for the signs what stage are you at?xx
I'm on day 5 of stims now, gonal f, and still taking the buserlin. Have a scan on Friday to see how things are coming along. I've been a bit worried that other than the mood swings I haven't had any other symptoms on the stims but I am pleased the headaches are gone! Are you on a long protocol? xxx
I am still on it along with my follitrope injection.... Reactions vary I guess. I only experienced headache, and a bit of tiredness and my period prolonged for like about 15 days. Was told it's normal, and immediately I started spotting a scan was done which took me to 3.8mm and was immediately placed on follitrope which is the stimulating injection.
Good luck darl....
I had really debilitating headaches. Nothing touched them 😞 xx
I was fine with all the injections. Can't complain. Do you have an pre-existing Gynae issues?
I've been on this for over a week, I've been sick, had sore heads, nose bleeds and also feeling exhausted. My boobs were agony for about 4 days, thankfully af arrived yesterday and that seems to be helping with the sore boobs. Hope you continue to not get any side effects. xx
Hi. I had awful migraines, heat sweats at night, poor sleep and generally feeling meh. However, acupuncture did help the 2nd time round so I'd recommend that. Good luck. x
I got headaches 🙈 sorry to say they were the worst I've ever had in my life, I became light sensitive and my head was pounding with every footstep I took. I just drank so. Much. Water. As well to try and help. But thankfully they went away after about my first 3/4 days of stimms injections as the hormones balanced out a bit again.
But, everyone is different!!!
Good luck xxx