Communicating with clinic staff - adv... - Fertility Network UK

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Communicating with clinic staff - advice?

dcba profile image
13 Replies

I am having a bad experience with the admin staff at the clinic at which I’ve chosen to do my NHS-funded IVF. Without mentioning any names I wanted to ask if anyone else has had a similar experience and how you dealt with?

Before I chose the clinic, I contacted them and they confirmed they don’t have waiting lists and it usually takes about 2 weeks for them to go through my referral form and about a week until the first appointment. However, more than two weeks have passed since they confirmed they’ve received my referral letter and every time I call to ask about an appointment, I am being told that their NHS coordinator (i think that's the job title) will give me a call on the following day. But my call is never returned. When I chased again a few days ago, they told me that my referral form is fine and reassured me (a few times) that they will call me on the next day. I didn’t get a call.

So my dilemma is whether I should wait for a few more days and if nothing happens I should call and complain (who to?), and try to speak to some else. I don’t want to start on bad terms with the clinic staff as I don’t want to jeopardise my treatment. But I need to understand why there’s such a delay if my referral form is fine and they keep telling me to wait for a call on the next day. If they are overwhelmed with referrals and requests, shouldn’t they be honest about it and just tell me there is x weeks waiting time, but then stick with this and really call me when they’ve said. Or are all clinics like this?

Few times in my life have I felt so sad, frustrated and helpless at the same time.

What would you do in my situation?

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dcba profile image
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13 Replies
katya38 profile image

I would maybe phone again and just explain that you've phoned several times now and your call hasn't been returned and you are keen just to find out what's happening. Unfortunately sometimes you do need to be a bit assertive for them to pay attention! ! Just say it in a nice way and I'm sure they won't think any the less of you xx

dcba profile image
dcba in reply to katya38

Thanks, katya38. I've already called twice telling them exactly the same thing and the different receptionists have been very good in passing my details and even apologetic for the delay. It seems that the person on whom I depend to book the appointment with the doctor for me is the probel... I actually managed to speak to her once and she told me that she'll call me on the next day to book an appointment, but never did. When I called to chase, she didn't want to take the call, but told the receptionist that she'll call me on the next day to book an appointment for me. So I'm really wondering if she's just super busy, or there's more going on.

Well, if I don't get a call soon I guess I'll need to phone them anyway. I'm a bit shocked honestly.

Kyell2 profile image

How annoying! We had to be a bit pushy with our clinic when they were being slow for no reason.

As long as you are polite I don't see that there is any issue with you pointing out you have been fobbed off several times and you would like to know why and be given a straight answer.

Good luck

dcba profile image
dcba in reply to Kyell2

Thanks, Kyell2. Yes, it already has an emotional impact on me and I even haven't started treatment yet! If I already feel so distressed at this point, I don't know what to expecte later.

My husband advised me to wait a bit, but it's so hard. I don't want to wait for weeks again when I know that I could start treatment immediately. Plus I already know that because of this delay I'll miss the chance to do it when my period starts early next month.

Thanks, for your advice. I hope I can achieve something when I call them next time.

Lola675 profile image

I also think you should call again. They might be busy with things, but you are their client still.

Macca13 profile image

I would call again and yes be a bit assertive with them and just explain that it is important you get to speak to someone soon. As for admin staff if they not being as helpful as they are suppose to (I work in that field) the old saying goes ask to speak to someone senior and that usually will get their attention. Good luck xx

dcba profile image
dcba in reply to Macca13

Thanks, Macca13. I'm going to try this.

Lamorna80 profile image

Are you able to turn up in person at the clinic to book an appointment? Is it possible you could have been 'passing by'?! If you're there in person, they're more likely to deal with you and you can show them that you're not a demanding person, just wanting to get the ball rolling.

I've dropped in to my clinic a couple of times (it is near to where I work) to ask questions about things and change appointments and they've been overly helpful. Good luck, such a frustrating start. For me it felt like forever between appointments and I gradually learned that unfortunately nothing is speedy on the NHS but it's only fair that you should expect someone to keep their word x

dcba profile image
dcba in reply to Lamorna80

Hi Lamorna80, unfortunately the clinic is another city so dropping in is not an option. So I'll need to make another call.

Lucky17 profile image

Hiya I had a few communication issues with my clinic, missing from the waiting list ect... after numerous calls and getting nowhere I contacted PALS (patient advisory liaison service) every NHS hospital/GP ect is linked to them, it's the in between before you make a formal complaint. I had a call the next day from the clinic secretary and it was all sorted. X

dcba profile image
dcba in reply to Lucky17

Lucky17, thanks for the tip. I may need to try this if I don't get it resolved with the clinic. I wonder whether they are treating NHS patients differently ... Do these clinics actually get less money from NHS patients?

Sjt82 profile image

When I was trying to start my 2nd round, I must have called and left so many messages I couldn't even begin to count them! In the end my message ended up clearly annoyed - which isn't like me, usually very patient, but it had been 4 wks of phone calls! The slightly rude call got me a call back from the secretary who over sees the rest of them - she said she had told my secretary to ring me and she hadn't! I do get feeling my secretary is a little lacking, which none of us need on top of our ivf battle! Unfortunately I think you just have to be a bit pushy if you are getting put in the 'to do later' list! Good luck, I know it's frustrating when all you want to do is get on with your dream xxx

Do you know where the clinic is? Would you have time to go in and sit there until someone responds properly to you?

Alternatively, if it is part of a hospital, you could contact their PALS dept and complain?

This is not acceptable and my clinic would not operate that way.

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