Hey everyone we had our first scan today we saw little ones heartbeat beating lovely, it was very overwhelming and emotional thank you all for all your support even when things are hard guys your all still so supportive. All is looking perfect and baby is a perfect size but the sack is smaller than should be at the moment I'm not sure if it's a cause for concern but seeing my little cherub at the moment doing well is a blessing.
Scan pic!! : Hey everyone we had our... - Fertility Network UK
Scan pic!!

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aww this is lovely, when do you have your next scan?You must be so happy xx
Hi congratulations I am so excited for you- I am so looking forward to my first scan on monday 17th july. xxxx
Hi stephanienissim. Hope all goes well with your "little bean" scan too. Will be thinking of you. Diane

Hi TW1986. There you go! One healthy looking little "bean" to me. Hope all continues to go well with your pregnancy. Love and hugs. Diane
Aww thats really lovely and has made me smile Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy xxx
Hope that everything would be fine.
P.S.: if you have any concerns you should consult doctor to ask what to do next.
P.P.S.: in case if you need to eat more to feed the baby so it can grove larger.
😍😍😍😍 such a great moment right? Enjoy 😊
Bless you! well done so glad this has worked out for you! Having to go through this once is more than anyone so deserving should have to go through so to see a success is massively heartwarming 👍🏻

Aw you've made me well up chick thank you and I hope your ok Hun god I wish I could hug some of you ladies I really do 😘😘 xx
Well I know it's not baby related but since I knocked the down reg and IVF on the head and come off the drugs I feel so good again bloatings gone and I just ran my first 5k without stopping in over a year! I'm really happy again feel like I have got myself back. I'm so happy it's worked out for you and I'm so happy I decided to stop xx 😘
Aw that's wonderful news! We're away on our camper this week in the deepest depths of Wales. ..but I've been madly trying to get signal so I can see how your scan went lol! So pleased for you 😁 xxx
Yay! So happy to see this xxxx
Awe I've been looking forward to seeing this! So happy for you xx
Love pic❤️ Congratulations chick I'm so happy for you xxxx
Firstly massive congratulations x just a couple of questions. How many weeks were u when you had your scan? Secondly, do you get to have a print out of the scan picture? Xx
Thanks sweet we are currently 6 weeks 5 days and yeah two pics but you can't really see a lot xxx
Is this your first cycle of ivf? Are you on nhs?
Yeah it's our first Hun so feel very lucky and blessed, and yeah nhs funded, I had blocked tubes Hun and endometriosis xx
Im so happy for you, have you told friends and family? I have my nurse consent signing and prescription appointment on 20th July. I'm so scared for the whole process. I'm a planner and this is something you can't plan for. How did you prepare yourself for a possibly negative result?
Aw thank you, I have yes because I can't keep my mouth shut but I'm kind of wishing I hadn't now because it takes the excitement out of people's reaction if it works cause I think people just assume it's going to work, people just think ivf is this simple way of getting pregnant and it's guaranteed to work! God only if they new the whole picture!! Aw I bet your going through exactly the same feelings I bet we all have excitement/ nervous/ stressed/ so many mixed emotions. To be honest I coped very well with all the treatment and had very little side effects and everything for me went absolutely to plan, I'm not taking that for granted for one second though because you never know what can happen in the next! TBH I tested early and kind of new it had but I just thought at that point we have 6 frozen good quality embryos so I coped better than I may of done if the circumstances were different xx
That's fantastic!! How far along are you at the moment? X
True that's a lovely pic! I'm so happy for you!
We are waiting for our first scan too! hope it would be great as yours!
Take care dear and enjoy every second of your pregnancy!
Tw1986 hello hun how are you feeling today?
Have you spoken to your doctor. That's cool about the due date, when did they say. i bet it all feels very real now xx
Hi hun I'm ok thank you I've got my first midwife appointment on the 21st. My due date is 28th of feb xx
How lovely
I bet you can't wait for the midwife appointment. Will they do another scan then?
Is this just your local hospital now or the IVF clinic? xx