What does OHSS feel like...? - Fertility Network UK

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What does OHSS feel like...?

sarahlovs profile image
9 Replies

Afternoon ladies

Hope you've all enjoyed the sunshine today ☉

I'm just pondering over OHSS. I'm on my first round of clomid and my consultant had made a point of telling me that OHSS could happen. For the first few weeks I've not really had any side effects or symptoms, other than a pretty sizeable appetite (through the roof!), but nothing uncomfortable. However the last few days I've had some pains in my lower abdomen, which I can only really describe as a pinching sensation. I thought it was possibly ovulation pain because I'd convinced myself it was only on the right side, but it just doesn't add up. It's not the expected time in my cycle to experience ovulation pains and I've been using OPKs and had no surges. And now it just feels like lower abdomen in general. Could it be OHSS?? What does it feel like?? And what really does ovulation pain feel like?

I know it's only mild, I've taken paracetamol and moaned a bit about it but that's all. But I'm feeling nervous that it may get worse. Furthermore, I'm really not interested in any intimate time with hubby at the moment even though we have been so excited to have started some treatment...

Thanks for any advice ladies I'm sure some of you out there are a lot more clued up than I am!

Love and hugs 😘

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9 Replies
DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi sarahlovs. The symptoms of OHSS include pain and swelling in the lower abdomen, nausea and sickness. You tend to get quite bloated and uncomfortable, and can happen if you suffer with polycystic ovaries. If you think you have it, best to get checked out by a doctor. meanwhile try drinking plenty of water, and take some paracetamol for any pain, if you need to, and hopefully it will soon settle back down. Good luck! Diane

sarahlovs profile image
sarahlovs in reply to DianeArnold

Thank you Diane. To be honest I'm unsure if I have PCOS they mentioned it very early on in my investigations but my consultant just kept saying 'tendencies' so I'm unsure if she's talking about hormones or cysts or both. I will have my follicle scan on Friday so that will hopefully help me out. I've kept on top of it with paracetamol, it's uncomfortable but I'm managing ok. No nausea which I'm thankful for! Thanks again xx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to sarahlovs

Hi sarahlovs. Hope the scan on Friday comes up with some answers. Good luck and I'm pleased to hear that you are a bit better. Diane

1987pos profile image

Hi. To answer your question ohss doesn't feel nice at all. I was diagnosed with a mild case after my egg collection. If that was mild.....I don't want to know what moderate feels like.

In the early stages of my treatment I was told im at high risk of ohss i did have a few period like cramps where I had to stop what I was doing and think ouch that really hurt nothing needing and pain relief and really short lived. But when my clinic started to do daily scan was when I had this horrible pain that felt like something was gonna explode inside my tummy and I couldn't move for about 2 mins. I had a feeling something isn't quite right. FeW days later I was told I will have freeze all.

My mild(pwhhh) ohss symptoms.

1. Most awful feeling for me was the the nausea . Severe. Day and night and no relieve . Not been able to eat or drink. Most horrible feeling ever

2.Pain that feels there is a knife inside your tummy and depending on how you lay down it will poke you. Sometimes I find a good position that's not too painful other times I can't find any postion thats not painful.

3.bloated tummy not very comfortable but I have bloating throughout so this one didn't really bother me too much.

I think if you have very moderate/severe symptoms of any sort call your clinic emergency line.

I also felt unitereseted in the bedroom area. I think I was just too excited and too bloated lol.

Hope this helps sorry it's so long

sarahlovs profile image
sarahlovs in reply to 1987pos

Thank you for your reply and I'm sorry to hear you had such a rough time! I can only describe mine as a pinching feeling and if I'm not careful when I sit down it feels a bit like a knitting needle poking away at me. Not very comfortable but I have found paracetamol has taken the edge off. Fortunately no nausea or sickness which I'm very thankful for, but yes I am bloated. Since starting my treatment I've had a massive appetite though which surprises me, I'm not happy when I stand on the scales but just can't seem to help myself!

If you don't mind me asking, why did they say you were high risk? I hope it settled down for you. And I hope your interest in the bedroom picked back up, my husband feels neglected! Xx

1987pos profile image
1987pos in reply to sarahlovs

Sounds like you just have side effects of the whole process. Which is pretty normal. Awwh poor OH. My bedroom activities did pick up after all the egg collection ohss symptoms went away. I was at high risk because of PCOS as far as I understood the doctors and also i had about 10-20 small follicles before starting treatment. one point had about 50 follicles in total. I have other history with huge cysts and Hydrosalpinx but im not sure if those where had anything to do with what my consultant favourite term you are at high risk of hyper stimulation lol. I'm just happy Im that closer to my dream .sometimes in life you have to endure things so you can get your dream. Thats how I look back at that horrible time 😊. It's all settled now thanks every single symptom is gone took a total of about 2 weeks.

Tugsgirl profile image

I was at high risk because of pco during treatment and I ended up being borderline ohss. I was very bloated, uncomfortable and had some cramping sensations. I was told to weigh myself daily to check for any sudden weight gain, measure my stomach with a tape measure daily, drink lots and lots of water, take paracetamol. Was told if I was sick, had severe headache or shortness of breath to call the doctor or clinic straight away. Luckily mine didn't get any worse xx

sarahlovs profile image
sarahlovs in reply to Tugsgirl

Thanks for your reply. Your symptoms very much reflect my own. It's not too bad just uncomfortable and distracting. I am petrified to weigh myself cause I've had a huge appetite and haven't stopped eating! I'm the heaviest I've ever been right now. Did yours last for one month or more than that? I can't help but feel I'm wasting this month of treatment because I have lost all interest in intimacy. Hoping it'll pick up soon! Xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to sarahlovs

Well to be honest I haven't lost the weight I gained since starting treatment. It plays havoc with your hormones and I've been pumped full of them on and off since we started our journey. I'm the heaviest I've ever been too 😞 Just don't be too hard on yourself, as long as you're fit and healthy otherwise.. keep an eye on your symptoms and if you have any real concerns then contact your clinic or gp xx

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