If I've got another 7 and a half months of worrying and wondering what the hell is going on - I am doomed.
Every day Mr Emu asks me: are you boobs sore, are you ok, any symptoms, do you feel sick... then asks my tummy "are you in there?"
So...I'm about 6 weeks and 4 days PUPO. (I can't use the other P word - I want that scan!). It's horrid. I hate this more than the 2ww! I've had no real symptoms. Or any that I can determine are symptoms of a BFP.
But my breasts seemed a bit tender on the nipple when I knocked them just now. So ladies... is sore breasts just the breast and not the nipple... and general aching or when being poked? (Please note I didn't poke my own boob).
I'm sorry if this question upsets people; I feel a bit lost because I know I've had a BFP but I don't know where to ask now. π xx