I had an update today on the remaining 5 embryos and non of them are suitable to be frozen so trying to remain hopeful for the 2 i had transferred xx
No embryos to freeze: I had an update... - Fertility Network UK
No embryos to freeze
Hi Ro5ie. So sorry to hear that, but at least the 2 you have had transferred are back where they belong, inside you. Keeping everything crossed for you. Diane
Hey Rosie, we are in the same position! I had two transferred and none of the other 8 made it to freeze.
These four are hopefully the ones for us xx
Hi emu hope so fingers crossed for you how u feeling? Im so hoping this week goes quick xx
I'm so nervous now. Am I expected to sleep tonight?! x
Out of 20 embryos, I only had two put back each time and none good enough to freeze - but got a BFP each time from one of the little blighters. Last cycle was a MC but hoping this one sticks (I'm 8w4d) - after all it does just take one. Hang in there little Rosie-embies!
Fingers crossed you've got some sticky ones in there!! Can't wait to hear the result. When's your test day? xxx
Thank u my test day is 31st ive been feeling a little bit uncomfortable this evening getting quite a strong period cramp in my tummy and aches in my lower back and legs i never rly suffer bad with period pains but def had to sit down xx
It's annoying isn't it that all these odd pings and pangs of pain could be just about anything! Why didn't they set out to make clear 'pregnant' symptoms right from start! Is that too much to ask?! 😂😂 it's flipping hard enough already! Ha. I'm reeeeeeally wishing you a positive result im in a much more positive mood today so trying to spread it around before it deflates again 😂🙌🏼👍🏼🙏🏼🤞🏼❤ xxx
I know yea why do the pains feel like im gonna have a period just so difficult this journey im only day 3 this week needs to hurry up and pass lol xx
I think this really is a good thing. My cramping has been only a little tiny bit today. I am praying that it's been implantation cramping. I read some where that it's very rare to feel the actual implantation but the cramping feel is more common. You have obviously got some real strong fighters in you xx
Hindi there,
Just hope for the best you have inside now. I wish you good luck for your further journey.
Take care