ET failure...: Unfo we weren't... - Fertility Network UK

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ET failure...

13 Replies

Unfo we weren't successful today. Of the 5 that fertilised, one was excellent, one was good, one was ok and the other 2 died. So I went in with full bladder as instructed. Unfo, the Dr couldn't do it, emptied my bladder to half, still no joy. My uterus is tilted slightly backwards so that caused a problem even tho we did a trial transfer. So excellent and good embies were frozen and I'm to go back next cycle for ANOTHER trial and then start meds for a frozen transfer cycle after that.

Mighty disappointed 2 say the least. I wish the Dr had checked her notes b4 we started as she knew last time my bladder was almost empty.

Oh well, it is what it is...

Anyone had a similar situation? I'm gutted 😢 BUT it's just a bump in the road, and it's worth waiting for so we'll just need to be patient. I'm terrible at being patient! X

13 Replies

Oh that's so disappointing that they hadn't checked. I never had a mock transfer but I had read about them so not sure why they didn't for me. On the plus side you have some good embies by the sounds of it but such a pain having to wait longer. Hopefully it will pass quickly and you can be reunited with your embies very soon . Xxx

CountryCat profile image

I am sorry to read is never prepared for things like this, so when it happens, it's a lot to get your head around. I can totally relate to your lack of patience...I am the world's worst in this department. I am sure that all of my 'life lessons' seem to be to do with teaching me patience...not that it seems to have worked!! ;)

Here's hoping your next cycle is hassle-free and highly successful xx

WeeMrsH profile image

Oh no sorry things didn't go to plan today. How frustrating!!! Especially as they knew the potential problems as you'd had a trial! At least it's not over, just postponed :) xx

Ro5ie profile image

I had a similar situation last year as we deciced to use our last frozen embryo and when it come to transfer they were having an issue with the transfer but my uterus is the same and the person doing the transfer really didng seem to have a clue and they had to keep taking the embryo back to the lab in my mind i feel thats why mine didnt work but we are back to a full cycle again xx

in reply to Ro5ie

Sucks doesn't it?! It's so frustrating to think that all this could've bn avoided. Hey ho. Hope u have better luck with this cycle xx

Tugsgirl profile image

It's very frustrating but you want it all to be right and hopefully waiting a while longer will mean it's worth it in the end.. X

Oh no, how disappointing for you. At least they were able to freeze two of your embryos. I've heard there is evidence of higher success rates in FETs than fresh so hoping that you will get your positive result when you're able to restart your cycle.

There are definitely others on here who have had ET issues so hopefully one of them will be able to provide support and comfort if a successful transfer. Thinking of you. X

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Yes I like the frozen statistics! We'll hold on to that. It also means I can drink on holiday in France next month - +ve from a -ve xx

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I love your positive outlook, am sure that will stand you in good stead for next time. Enjoy France. X

So sorry to hear this, you must be so disappointed but try to remain as positive as you can. All the positives are still there just slightly delayed now xx

in reply to

Better luck next time hopefull!y The Dr will be better armed with knowledge and hopefully ace it first time... xx

Thank you all for ur kind words. I know it's not the end, it'll just take a bit longer to get there. OH and I had a lovely evening drinking prosecco and toasting marshmallows on the fire pit in the back garden. They say there's a better chance of success with a frozen transfer so we'll hold on to that.

Good luck to u all on ur journeys xx

Thank good ness they were freezable, but what an ordeal! Can you ask to be sedated next time? My trial ET failed at first, as did my HSG, due to retroverted uterus and pinhole cervix, then the medical director herself had a go and succeeded. She drew herself a map so she would remember how she did it, and I have requested her for both ETs since. It's much easier for them when you are sedated I think, but it does mean another 24hours not able to work/drive and your partner can't be in the room for ET if you have sedation (at my clinic anyway). The cost is less that £250, but it is chargeable even though I'm on an nhs round this time as it is not standard.

Hope that info helps and I'm very sorry to hear about your problems x

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