Hello lovely ladies and gents. I hope everyone is okay and doing well.
apologies for deleting the earlier post.
I have reached a point where i just feel flat. i just feel its one hurdle after another. my stress levels are getting worse. At my recent appointment which was to discuus if i fell pregnant on clomid which ididnt. the next step is go for ivf.
I was told at the clinic that i only get one ivf go. i just didnt know what to say. i know this is normal for many of us here but why has it taken 2.5 years just to find out.
why has the clinic not mention this to me before. why did my gp not mention this to me before ref me to a clinic. i didnt think to ask either. all this is very new to me im finding out more and more. i m still struggling to understand all the rules and regulation and polices. if i knew this before i could have changed my gp surgery alot earlier.
I now want to change gp surgery. as far as i know i can change surgery to east and north part of england which will allow me to have 3 goes at ivf. But i do not know where to start. how do i switch gp surgery. i dont even know which gp surgery fall within the east and north of england. Where do i look. how do i find out. guys im now thinking about that may never have a baby. becuz of this stress and things are just keep changing.
I know im really lucy to have even 1 try at ivf. im greatfull. but its only try and if i dont get my baby then what i will do where i will go. i probably have a breakdown.
it is true when the ladies on here say. the ivf journey is just so hard verrrrrrrrry hard.
Please help me ladies any advice any support any guidance is welcome.sory for the long post