What a fast 9 days, absolutely convinced this morning before I went for scan that I wouldn't be ready for collection until the end of the week but have been told that I'll be in theatre on Wednesday!! Only 4 follicles found which is quite disheartening but I am 37 so can't expect to have loads and loads!! 9 days of stims only - can't believe it!!! Good luck to everyone on here at whatever stage of the journey you're on! X
Egg collection on Wednesday!!! - Fertility Network UK
Egg collection on Wednesday!!!

Me too for Wed!! I've been bit of a slow grower so I was made up when they finally said I'm ready! Wishing you lots of luck xxx
Hi Laura GU, how did you get on today? X
Hi Lorraine, it went ok thanks. They got 14 eggs so now just praying for a good fertilisation rate! Didn't find the actual process too bad and have just slept this afternoon. How did you get on? Xxx
Process was fine - sedation was a bit sore! They got 3 eggs, knew it was going to be low - all of them are mature though so we're injected this afternoon. Fingers crossed the take it through the night! X
Yep the sedation was the worst part for me too. Well it's the quality that matters, especially given we would normally only produce one each month. Now to wait for the phone call. This is the bit I've been most nervous about- them saying none have fertilised or made it far enough. So out of our hands now so going to try and relax this evening. Will keep my fingers crossed for you xxx
Lorraine so sorry I just realised i replied to your post a few days ago.
Have just read your update.
Wishing you well for you call tomorrow and update on your wee embies xx
hi Lorraine. Good luck for EC. Don't be disheartened though. I only had 4 (I'm 40), 3 fertilised and now I'm 6 wks pregnant 😊 Best wishesxx
Good luck for Wednesday. At least another 7 days of stims for me but hopefully I won't be far behind you so will be following with interest. 🤞

Thank you & good luck to you too x

Hi lorraineb61. Just wanted to wish you well for Wednesday. Make sure you have a good rest afterwards and drink plenty of water. Thinking of you. Diane
Sometimes things go quicker than you feel! This cycle I could feel in my tummy that things were going faster than last, but even then at my last scan I only felt the same, or even a little less pumped, as the last scan last round. But, double the eggs so one just can't tell! Also, I got more eggs than follicles at my last scan so you might be in for a surprise. and even if not, plenty of people on here who've gone preggers with few eggs... quality is what counts most! Good luck, xx
Good luck for ec on Wednesday xx
Good luck with EC.i started stims today .still got a long way to go .

Thank you - time actually went really quickly - you might surprise yourself! Good luck to you x
So, collection has been - managed to get 3 eggs all of which were mature enough to be injected!! Overnight wait now to see how many have fertilised! Worst part of today was the sedation - took 3 attempts to get into a suitable vein!!
Great news that all 3 were mature. Fingers crossed all 3 fertilise overnight too. X
I was the same on my first cycle, its a bit of a shock as it goes so quickly.
Good luck for EC xx
All 3 have fertilised - so happy!! Just need them to get to Monday now for transfer!! ❤
Oh that's fabulous news. So pleased. Keeping everything crossed for you for Monday. X
Great news Lorraine.xx
Lovely news, Good luck for EC. Xx
I am also having collection on Wednesday. Feeling scared worried excited total mix of emotions. Good luck
Just wanted to wish you well for your EC on Wednesday ❤️ X
Wishing you well for Wednesday 💜