Unsure whether to do acupuncture this... - Fertility Network UK

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Unsure whether to do acupuncture this time..

Georgina78 profile image
34 Replies

Hi ladies, we'll be starting our 4th IVF cycle in a few weeks and for all of our other cycles I've had regular acupuncture, although they were all unfortunately bfn's.

I see an amazing practitioner who is very experienced in fertility issues and who has been really good to me, letting me have a discounted rate, a free masssge at her clinic if I'm particularly stressed and opening the clinic out of hours to fit round my treatment: early morning ET's etc.

The thing is it's obviously never resulted in a bfp for us so I'm not sure whether to do it again, even with the discount its obviously not cheap and I'm not working at the moment after being made redundant.

I just don't want to regret not doing it this time..I've had a three month treatment for my endometriosis (prostap) which our consultant feels can aid success by reducing endo inflammation and that's not something we've tried before. I don't know whether to do everything else the same just in case it has been the inflammation that's prevented IVF from working for us. Or whether I should just be more relaxed about it all this time and not do literally EVERYTHING in the world possible, because that often leads to feelings of 'well what was the point of all that' even though you want to know you've done all you can...arrrrraggghhh! Any advice ladies?! Xx

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Georgina78 profile image
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34 Replies
Hollibob profile image

How often were you having treatment during down reg and stims?

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to Hollibob

Once a week Hollibob, although it has also been really helpful for my endometriosis x

Hollibob profile image
Hollibob in reply to Georgina78

It's difficult to decide..I had it for all of mine...similar amounts to you and also some reflexology.

I don't want to think what if, so I'd do anything.

Maybe you could ask her about anything she might change?

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to Hollibob

Thanks Hollibob I'm actually thinking of going for reflexology after it's been recommended to me by my cousin, who had it whilst trying to conceive. She's recommended a great (her opinion, and she's pretty fussy!) therapist who I think I'll contact xx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to Hollibob

Ps did you find reflexology relaxing? x

Hollibob profile image
Hollibob in reply to Georgina78

So I've seen two different types of therapists...

The first one was more generalised, but it was relaxing, a nice me treat and I always found it fascinating what they can tell from your feet.

The second one was a fertility specialist and it was a lot more gentler process..difficult to describe, but didn't necessarily feel like I'd had a foot massage...

beauty1984 profile image

I've been looking at doing acupuncture as well but wasn't sure if it would work or not, I came across so many positive stories about women who have done acupuncture and it makes me think maybe I should try, but like you say it's not cheap and difficult to fit around work etc. Sorry I'm not much help, but if you think you'll regret it if you don't do it then maybe you should...don't put too much pressure on yourself. X

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to beauty1984

Thanks beauty, my cousin has highly recommended reflexology and a particular therapist so I think I'm going to try that for a change. Feel like I'm cheating on my acupuncturist though! 😳 Xx

baby2016 profile image

I did reflexology first round and frozen, 2 chemicals, accupuncture 2nd round bfn. I've come to the conclusion both will only work/help if it's a good quality embryo that's being put back in. If it's not, then to me no amount of extra treatments will help. They may help the prep stage, ie weeks before but the final outcome will be the quality of the embryo. I'm going to restart reflexology next month ahead of round 3 but more for it helping will my egg prepping if that makes sense?! My opinion may be completely wrong as no one can prove either way. If I ended up with blasts then I'd def do the pre and post transfer accupuncture as then it would probably be beneficial. Hope that makes sense! I've spent hundreds on both, but no regrets as know I'd be thinking why didn't I if not! Xx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to baby2016

Definitely makes sense Hun, you're right about if it's going to work it will no matter what we do or don't do I guess. I want to feel like I'm being proactive but also try something relaxing. My cousin has highly recommended a reflexologist so I think I'm going to contact her & try that, thanks! Xx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to baby2016

Ps did you find reflexology relaxing? That's what I need! 😬

baby2016 profile image
baby2016 in reply to Georgina78

I love reflexology!! Far more relaxing than accupuncture, I'd have it every week if I could afford it and always sleep brilliantly afterwards. Amazing what they can tell from you feet! Do it 😊 But make sure it's someone who specialises in fertility as at certain times in your cycles there's certain areas that shouldn't be worked too hard xx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to baby2016

Thanks Hun, it sounds great! I called the lady my cousin recommended yesterday and she's trying to fit me in before we start cycle 4, we're away before we start it so it doesn't leave much time. She said she doesn't treat ladies during IVF because she believes in just letting the meds do what they do without any interference. I'm not sure if that's because she's not specifically fertility trained or if it's a good thing that she's not just happy to take my money off me! Anything relaxing pre-treatment will do though, starting again & the news about my sister in law has meant I'm not particularly chilled right now 😏🙈

How are you feeling? Xx

baby2016 profile image
baby2016 in reply to Georgina78

I'm not bad thank you. Had my SIL panicking today over miscarriages as her friends just had one and she said she was so worried now it would happen to her. My response being, try going through it 6 times!!! Re your reflexology maybe best finding someone who does specialise in fertility as you can have it during meds, and before and after transfer xx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to baby2016

Oh gosh, another deep breath & lump in throat moment I bet 😳Does she know about your losses? A tad insensitive if so (if you don't mind my saying)

Ah ok interesting, maybe she doesn't feel experienced enough, at least she didn't take my money off me regardless! Xx

baby2016 profile image
baby2016 in reply to Georgina78

Yeah it did hit a nerve! A feeling I've not had before really, hard to describe but felt it in the bottom of my stomach 😟 She knows more than most really but just goes to show it doesn't matter how much sympathy people give, unless they've experienced it they will never know that horrible feeling.

Have a good google search in your area, they'll def be people who specialise in Manchesterin it 😊Xx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to baby2016

I totally get that feeling Hun, it's so strange & something I've not had before so another thing to get your head round! I hope it doesn't get worse for you lovely, my sil & partner are telling both sets of parents this weekendso I'm trying to prepare myself for the onslaught of excitement & joy & baby talk..thatof course is completely natural and valid, I just wish we were giving people this news too 🙁 Hope you have a nice weekendxx

NDE1987 profile image

Hey Hun I tried accpunture on my last round and was spending 50 pounds a week on sessions. But now with my second round I'm just going in doing nothing like that. The only thing i what to try is a fetility massage and that's it only because i don't want to be stressed. I feel like if it's going to work it will and if it's not it won't even though we may try to do loads of things! But that's just my way of thinking. Please try not too stress (easier said than done) just go in being you. Xx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to NDE1987

I also think the same Hun, I worked with people injecting heroin & drinking etc every day who still got pregnant so if it's going to work it will! I also want something that relaxes me so I'm in the best frame of mind, my cousin has recommended a reflexologist so I think I might give that a try, with the aim being to chill me out! Thank you xx

NDE1987 profile image
NDE1987 in reply to Georgina78

No worries Hun! Where are you based? I found a lady in west London that I may try but it's always good to try recommendations! X

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to NDE1987

I'm in Manchester so a little far 😁Xx

NDE1987 profile image
NDE1987 in reply to Georgina78

Hahaha that is far! Like i said i may be very naive in not doing anything but i just want to feel like me going through this next cycle and hope and pray this will be our time xxxx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to NDE1987

I don't think you're being naive at all, I totally get it, you throw everything you can at achieving success then are left feeling extremely short changed (& literally too 😩) The relaxation feels like the most important aspect for me, I struggle to feel chilled at all during the IVF process so anything that does that will be considered! Xx

NDE1987 profile image
NDE1987 in reply to Georgina78

It's true hun, especially because before and after every scan i felt mega anxious! So a massage would be good :) hope this cycle works out for both of us and all of us ladies here xxx

I think maybe you should ask your doctor at your clinic whether they think it's worth it. If they say no then it will probably help you not to feel guilty if you don't do it. Because, financially, is that money you might put towards another cycle in the future, or towards baby things, depending on your outcome?

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Good point Lizzie, thanks x

72cloud9 profile image

Hi Hun

Acupuncture didn't work for me either in terms of fertility although it did inadvertently resolve some other health issues I had.i am trying reflexology for first time on Saturday an to me that seemed considerably cheaper and focuses on same sort of things like immune issues, detoxing, destressing so y not look in to hthat? At least that way u r just doing something different and not doing nothing. I don't know where u r-I looked up mine on line and one of her specialties is fertility x

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to 72cloud9

Hi Hun it's so funny how msng, yourself included mention reflexology because my cousin suggested it last night and has highly recommended a lady she's used. I was only telling her I'm not sure if I should continue with the acupuncture, it was her that mentioned reflexology..feel like it's meant to be! It is cheaper like you say which is appealing! Let me know how you find it, hope you enjoy it 😊 Xx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to Georgina78

That meant to say how many!

72cloud9 profile image
72cloud9 in reply to Georgina78

I'll definitely let u know how I get on! I'm quite looking forward to it as she is hoping to bring me down several rungs of the stress ladder & boy do I need that!! x

defo sounds like it's meant to as it's been mentioned to u a few times in as many days xxx

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to 72cloud9

I definitely need that too! All of us going through IVF no doubt do 😳Thanks, can't wait to hear how you find it xx

ch319 profile image

This was really interesting to read thank you. I have an appointment booked next week for acupuncture for my second cycle but now I'm wondering whether or not to bother

Georgina78 profile image
Georgina78 in reply to ch319

You're very welcome, it's hard isn't it because you hear so many succes stories and I've no doubt there are, it just wasn't enough for it to work for me but it has definitely helped with my endometriosis so that's worth it in itself xx

Sprinkles86 profile image

Another vote here for reflexology! I'm biased as I've never tried acupuncture, but I've found the reflexology really helps with stress levels and feels like a treat rather than a treatment! Not sure what area in Manchester you are but the lady who does mine is a real fertility specialist but she is based in a clinic in Warrington but covers knutsford area for home visits too I think. Let me know if you want her details xxx

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