Hi ladies, we'll be starting our 4th IVF cycle in a few weeks and for all of our other cycles I've had regular acupuncture, although they were all unfortunately bfn's.
I see an amazing practitioner who is very experienced in fertility issues and who has been really good to me, letting me have a discounted rate, a free masssge at her clinic if I'm particularly stressed and opening the clinic out of hours to fit round my treatment: early morning ET's etc.
The thing is it's obviously never resulted in a bfp for us so I'm not sure whether to do it again, even with the discount its obviously not cheap and I'm not working at the moment after being made redundant.
I just don't want to regret not doing it this time..I've had a three month treatment for my endometriosis (prostap) which our consultant feels can aid success by reducing endo inflammation and that's not something we've tried before. I don't know whether to do everything else the same just in case it has been the inflammation that's prevented IVF from working for us. Or whether I should just be more relaxed about it all this time and not do literally EVERYTHING in the world possible, because that often leads to feelings of 'well what was the point of all that' even though you want to know you've done all you can...arrrrraggghhh! Any advice ladies?! Xx