No frozen embryos so no back up plan - Fertility Network UK

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No frozen embryos so no back up plan

KiraJean profile image
24 Replies

So I'm currently going through the 2WW (after an ET with two Day 3 embies) and I got a call about an hour ago from the embryologist telling me that my last three embryos have failed to develop further in the last 24 hours so they will not be frozen. We only get one fresh cycle and one frozen cycle on the NHS in our borough and this is it, so all of a sudden, the pressure is on my two little transferred embryos. We started this whole process so positive and we are young and healthy and have unexplained infertility, so I think we (naively) thought it might work. But the consultant after all of this is now saying it is only a slim chance that it will work now. I'm just a bit shell shocked that that was my chance. And it seems very unfair. I just feel extra pressure on this 2WW now and I'm too afraid to hope for a positive outcome. Sorry for the long post, but I just needed to tell someone how I feel and I can't really talk to anyone about this but my husband.

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KiraJean profile image
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24 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

Thinking of you and wishing you luck 🍀

Sorry to hear of your stresses, firstly and most importantly you still have lots of hope. Secondly if you do require another cycle then there amazing clinics abroad. We were all set to have our second cycle in the UK for 9k. We had to have TESE as well so it's more than average, then I came across a clinic in the Czech Republic and they had great results and their ivf including ICSI was only 1950 euros. So there are other options out there, I was never entitled to the NHS in the first place. And finally every cycle is so different, my first cycle was cancelled. My second one resulted in 17 fertlised eggs. I wish you lots of luck, keep positive and there are some amazing positive stories out there so keep reading the good ones. Xx

ch319 profile image

This happened to me too. I had none I could freeze in the end. Don't put pressure on yourself it won't help. You just don't know the outcome until the end of that dreaded 2ww so don't give up hope yet. It only takes one emby don't forget xx

Kelly-03 profile image

Hi, your bound to feel lots of pressure but these embryos could be the ones. Try and enjoy this time because it's the unknown and sometimes it's nice to be in that place xx I am hoping this is your time like I hope for all of us xx take care of yourself xx

baby2016 profile image

Hi, I had my 3 day transfer yesterday! Of only 1 average grade embryo, the only one that survived and non to freeze. I'm found it hard too as last time I got 2 to blast with one frozen, but although I did get bfp with them both, they resulted in chemicals, so to me 5day blasts didn't work either. I just wish I'd had two to transfer back as there's so many success stories with 2 3day transfers. Keep positive, you might very well get your bfp! 😊Xx

KiraJean profile image
KiraJean in reply to baby2016

Here's to remaining hopeful eh?! Sending you baby dust and lots of luck! ❤

baby2016 profile image
baby2016 in reply to KiraJean

Thanks kirajean! How are you coping? I feel like I'm having meltdowns already and only 3days in 😩Xx

KiraJean profile image
KiraJean in reply to baby2016

I had meltdown this morning and a good long cry and texted my boss and told her I was going to be late for work. My husband helped me to feel much more rational which is good. Both of us are committed to trying our best. But yes, this period is like some sort of psychological test! I'm sure you know what I mean!

Beanme profile image

Hi KiraJean, I too am in the 2ww. Two embies transferred at 3 days and my other remaining embie didnt make to freeze. I got the call yesterday morning about the remaining embie and I was a mix of feelings between sadness for the loss of the embie and fear that we'd have no back up plan. I later came to the realisation that we were lucky enough to have 2 transferred and there is chance that this could work. I know its difficult but we have to hope, hope is what got us this far and hopefully the result will be spectacular!!!! Wishing you all the best xxx and baby dust xxx

KiraJean profile image
KiraJean in reply to Beanme

Beanme! Thank you! I'm sending luck and baby dust your way! How are you finding the 2WW?

Beanme profile image
Beanme in reply to KiraJean

Thank you KiraJean. Im finding it difficult in that Im over analysing every twinge and would just love to know. 6 days past 3dt today so another 8 to go. Im back in work so at least my mind is occupied during the day. How bout you, how r you doing?

KiraJean profile image
KiraJean in reply to Beanme

I'm doing okay. Having the occasional meltdown in the morning before work. Mainly tears over breakfast, which are definitely aided by all the progesterone I'm taking! I basically just want to know either way now! I'm not sure 'ignorance is bliss' applies to my personality! How are you finding being at work? It all feels very strange to me and quite isolating.

Beanme profile image
Beanme in reply to KiraJean

I know exactly what you mean. I havent told anyone in work and it can be difficult as I was a heavy coffee drinker previously and now Im having honey and lemon or an occasional tea and one or two have noticed and when I was asked I just said I was trying to cut down....things like that...or feeling twinges and running to the loo in case there might be blood (sorry if tmi). Hopefully we will have positive results from this xxx and not go mad lol. Sending you baby dust🎇🎇🎇

girl15 profile image

Stay positive Hun, as hard as it can be positive mind makes a massive different on your body!

You have 2 little chances inside you! Nothing tell you they won't succeed until you get the negative, so until then keep calm rest up and try not to stress (it's difficult)

I only had 1 embryo transferred none to freeze and got a BFP yesterday! It can happen, my 1 little fighter made it so far :) xx

KiraJean profile image
KiraJean in reply to girl15

Thank you! That does give me hope. It feels like IVF is such a numbers game but sometimes people do just get lucky!

Thinking of you and don't give up, it's defo not over yet xxx

KiraJean profile image
KiraJean in reply to

Thank you Button! I hope your next ET goes well! 👍

vic77 profile image

Remember naturally each month you only have one egg so this could be the very one. We had no frosties on both cycles so you just have to put your all into your fresh embies.good luck xxxx

KiraJean profile image
KiraJean in reply to vic77

You are right! The more I think about it, the more I realise there is no guarantee that frozen embies would survive anyway. At least I have one chance, that is pretty lucky.

hmb1 profile image

I know how you feel I had 2 eggs taken and only 1 made it but keep your chin up it worked for me I'm 17 weeks gone now just keep everything crossed xxxx

KiraJean profile image
KiraJean in reply to hmb1

Thank you! That gives me so much hope!

Rgf77 profile image

I felt the exact same as you. I only had two embies mature out of 14 and none to freeze. I cried the whole way home from the hospital and never thought it would work. I am currently 10 weeks pregnant with one precious little bean. My embryos were not good quality so they didn't think there was much hope for me. Just relax during your 2ww and try to take your mind off things. I found talking to my DH really helped me. Good luck xx

KiraJean profile image
KiraJean in reply to Rgf77

Oh thank you! This is such a hopeful message and congratulations on your little bean! ☺ What an exciting adventure you are embarking on!

sanj76 profile image

Hi Kira......We all are hoping that Despite everything you have been told, we hope and pray that your 2ww is successful. I know it's quite hard, and we are all human and mentally prepare for failure but you must remain upbeat and positive, you have done incredibly well to get this far so don't lose hope.

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