11dp2dt and I've started bleeding.
If it looks like a period and feels like a period it probably is a period, right?
Feel very sad.
11dp2dt and I've started bleeding.
If it looks like a period and feels like a period it probably is a period, right?
Feel very sad.
Helsroo, sorry you're feeling sad. I've never got to your stage but I couldn't pass and now reply.
I did have a friend who did ivf who bled and thought it was game over but it just wasn't her period. If she reflects back she recalls that it stopped and wasn't constant and wasn't the same type of blood as she thought initially. Try seeing how you are later. I would have said try to relax and not worry - but I'm sure that's impossible. Lots of hugs xx
Hey Helsroo,
Sorry to hear this. I have read lots of stories where people do have bleeding and still continue to go on to have their BFP and a healthy pregnancy. Sometimes it can be normal.
When is your official test day? You could test early?
Official test day is Wednesday.
Our consultant did say that bleeding doesn't guarantee a negative, and that not bleeding doesn't guarantee a positive, so it could be normal.
I'm just so desperate for at least one little fighter to hold on! I think I'll wait till Weds to test - I can at least try to hope for a couple more days. Xx
Oh no. I'm sorry to hear this truly. When a treatment cycle fails it's very cruel. Thinking of you. I hope something changes by official test date for you ππ» X
Have you phoned your clinic? They'll probably up your progesterone at least until test day. I really do keep my fingers crossed for you xx xx
I have everything crossed for you xx miracles do happen xxxxx
Aw hun, I'm sorry you're going through this horrible worry.
Maybe you could increase your progesterone to help support the pregnancy?
Bleeding seems to mean different things for different people, I've seen success stories after bleeding so please don't feel it's game over yet though I truly understand what a horrible place you're in right now.
Try to remember you are PUPO lovely and let people look after you.
Sending you lots of positive vibes, hugs and love xxx
Sorry to hear that! This happened to me too but still got told to carry on meds & do test day as there is still a chance that one can take. Take it easy & rest up!xx
It's such a horrible, cruel thing to happen and happened to me in my first cycle too. However, keep taking the meds and you never know it could be implantation bleeding. My clinic couldn't do anything when I called and told them but it's certainly worth a try. Sending you a huge hug xxx
Hiya Helsroo, I think I have got to the same point as you unfortunately....last night I started to bleed (10dpt) and this morning there's more blood with really bad period pains... I think AF is definitely here for me... π₯ at least you have one more chance as you had two embies out in. Hopefully one will be a sticker for you xx
i am keeping everything crossed for you - this is such a painful process, my heart goes out to you.
please god it's not what you think. sending lots of love & hope xxxx
Sorry to hear that things are so stressful for you - you must be very anxious!
I really hope that all is still well...fingers crossed for your OTD. Xx
Oh no honey. .just reading this now .hang on and test still on test day . I have everything crossed xxxx
Wishing you a positive result and keeping everything crossed for you. Take care xxxxxxx
Hi helsroo, I'm sorry to read this, I hope that this isn't the end for you. I will keep you in my prayers, hoping all is well for OTD x x x
Oh Hun, it's scary isn't it? I don't want to mislead u in any way but just so u know a few of my friends had a bleed & thought it was period & they were pregnant & this happened to a girl I have been speaking to last week & her test was positive so there could still be a chance! Fingers crossed for u my love, big hugs xxx
So stessful but fingers and toes crossed this isn't game over.. lots of baby dust your way xoxo