Hey all. I had TVS to count my follicles and the sonographer said she couldnt see my right ovary. Am feeling low although on my left ovary i have 8. Do i stand a good chance with 8 follicles? And how can an ovary just be invisible? Let me hear encouragement pls
My right ovary: Hey all. I had TVS to... - Fertility Network UK
My right ovary

I started my BC today. My journey begins. IVF is not a joke. I wish everyone fighting this battle to hold their baby....
I only have one ovary as the other was removed due to a cyst. I had 7 follicles on the initial scan and my amh is 8.88 which is all in line with my age at 38. You need good quality embryos at the end of the process and it only takes one to stick and you have success.
In regard to not seeing the ovary they are quite little and could be hiding around the other organs. My remaining one is stuck to the uterus due to endometriosis. I've also got a retroverted uterus so makes everything more difficult to get to. It's quite squashed up in there with bowel, bladder etc
Thanks emmab178
I have had 2 myomectomy to remove fibroids and they say my ovary could have been moved during the op. I am still waiting to hear on my AMH result. Hoping to get good quality eggs out of what i have.
Am wishing you luck with yours. Your AMH is good.
Baby dust😚😚😚
Good luck to you to. If you read through previous posts you'll see that even with only a few follicles people get a bfp.
I have no idea why but I'm strangely positive about my ivf. It's not normal for me as a born pessimest but I'm glad for the positive feelings. I guess without ivf there would be no hope and at least I have some.
Fingers crossed for you x
Hi sherl, when I was first scanned by the NHS they couldn't find my right ovary either - we ended up going private for our IVF due to my age, and the private clinic found it. It turned out it seemed to be placed higher and in an awkward position and thorough 3 cycles of egg collection it was always a poor performer with most if not all of my eggs coming from the left. 8 is more than I had on any of my 3 cycles (although I'm older) and we ended up with 6 grade 1 embryos in total. We transferred 2 of those in November and i have a 17 week baby girl growing inside me 😍. So don't despair, it DOES actually only take one xx
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing. I am humbled and congratulations to u. I trust they will see it on my next scan and even if they wunt find it, such stories make me stronger as i hav 8already though we cant count them as 8 as we dont know how many will mature. But atleast i have. xx
Hi Sher108 - I wouldn't worry about this. It took the sonographer ages to find my right ovary the other day; she ended up having to press down on my stomach to find it, which was a little uncomfortable, as I'm right at the end of my protocol (EC on Monday). It turned out that it was hidden behind a bit of bowel: it's never happened before and they don't know why it happened this time. You could well have follicles on your hidden ovary that they'll find next time.
Good luck!
8 is still a great number to have - more than a lot of us have experienced in both ovaries so try not to let it get you down. When your follicles start to grow they will probably have a better look next scan for your other ovary - mine was slightly hidden to x
Hi shelr08. At my first scan the consultant couldn't see my right ovary either, but as I had an ovarian torsion 3 months previous I wasn't surprised. However, he scanned me again at a different time in my cycle and he found it. It sounds fairly common for ovaries not to be visible - especially right ones! X
I had my scan last Tuesday, and also my right ovary decided to hide, was like yourself concerned I couldn't see it or no if there were follicles there, plus side!! I had been waiting for months to have a scan done on nhs, low and behold hospital phoned me on the Thursday morning to say they had three cancellations for Friday morning, I couldn't believe it, went along and the girls were fab, they found my right no probs and showed me a big follicle to, said follicles on my left were smaller but defo bigger on right, I came out skipping lol and phoned clinic right away to tell them, so keep positive they can hide, and I am a good bit older than you, patiently waiting on my Amh results and scan results from clinic any day hoping that they are decent. Good luck xx
Hi the 1st scan I had the nurse found both ovaries but only 7 follies in one and 4 in the other so both quite low considering I'm only 30 but it only takes 1 xxx
That is a good amount... I had 6 follicles. 8 eggs retrieved. 7 mature. 5 made it to blastocysts.
Some nurses are better scanners than others. I went to an appointment the day before and had one or two less each time depending on the scanner.
Try to relax, so far that number looks great!
Good luck