Hi All
We're just starting the IVF/ICSI process and we've come to it a very roundabout way.
We were posted abroad (forces) last summer and in the move we discovered records that show where my husband thought he had one undescended testicle at birth it was actually both. It was also corrected late at 8.
He has now had two sperm analyses done and while one was zero the second showed 'occasional motile sperm' but still incredibly low. We haven't had any support through any of this (doctors here were rubbish and completely horrendous when they told us - regarded it as an anomaly and something funny) and we're basically going off what we've found but our medical liaison has referred us for ICSI with (hopefully) TESE.
I'm trying to get in touch with the clinic we're hopefully referred to but I'm going to be looking for people going through TESE following undescended testicles and incredibly low counts. On top of this we're going to have to be flying back and forth to complete treatment so I may well be in an odd situation where my husband is in another country as I (hopefully) conceive his child.
Sorry for the ramble - we're on our own out here and stream of consciousness.