Hi, I am new here. Going through a very tough time at the moment - 42 years old and never been pregnant. Apparently, I have primary unexplained infertility, which is maddening as one cannot even assign a reason (not that a reason changes the situation). I have spent 18 months (and 6 failed rounds of Clomid) going through the system with an NHS hospital and have now been told that they will no longer treat me because of my age. I am not eligible for funded IUI or IVF either. Although I have known that I didn't qualify for some time, it was gut-wrenching to receive the letter that said 'there is nothing more we can do for you.'
If I want any chance of having a child now, IVF is the only option. We can't really afford IVF in this country (UK) so have been left feeling very lost and isolated. My husband has suggested we look into going overseas for IVF, but it is such a big decision we do not want to rush into anything. But on the other hand, I am rapidly running out of time.
Anyhow, excuse the long preamble, but what I wanted to ask was this: one clinic we have spoken to re IVF has said that all of our tests are out of date and that if we wished to proceed, we would have to have ALL the blood work, semen analysis etc done over again. Obviously, we'd have to pay for this. I am probably being very thick, but do I just ring up a local private clinic, tell them all the tests I need done, schedule them and go? Or do I go via my local NHS clinic and explain that I will be paying for the tests, but have them done there? Can you even do that?
Any advice would be very gratefully received! I only found this site 2 days ago, but am so glad I did. This whole, long journey (3 years) has nearly finished me off and I have just started counselling to try and cope with the fact that it may never happen for us. Thank you in advance x