Feeling a little blue today as my dreaded period arrived 12 days post ET.
Sad because I wanted something to work out for us and for it to be easy - although as my good friend told me, anything worth having never is.
THe past 12 days I've wondered what was going on and if,just if our little miracle had worked. We had x2 3 day embryos put back (this is our first cycle) that I am told where good quality and so our chances should have been pretty good You would think?!!
I am 31 and our fertility issues reside with my husband who has diabetes/retrograde ejeculation but his sperm is perfect and we have some on ice! Just really not sure why it didn't work. Has anyone else had a similar situation?
Everyone says keep positive but it's hard - I feel like I'm going nowhere fast in this process
Nurse wants me to test on Thursday which is our OTD and I know it will be negative.
Does anyone know what happens then? I know the ideal is to take a few months out but how long?
Today has not been a good day 😭😓😢