All my life I have had very irregular periods and very painful ones. However they aren't very heavy and I never have spotting of bleeding in between periods.
I had a day 21 ovulation test years ago when I started my fertility investigations which came back as normal that I did ovulate.
But recently after doing some reading I have wondered have I been ovulating properly or at all all these years?!
Anyone have any experience with this or been told they likely don't ovulate properly with irregular periods?? I have done ovulation tests which always did show me a 'Peak' icon every month but are these always accurate?
My periods could be for example 28, 35, 44, 50, 24, 33 etc the shortest being 24 day cycle and the longest being 53.
I'm starting clomid on my next cycle which I'm now hopeful about because if this is the issue then this is what could help. I think GPS should check more than 1 month for positive ovulation at the beginning.
I just think it's not right and have been told by so many Drs 'some women just have irregular cycles and that is that'
Any comments welcome