Hi everyone,
I haven't been on here for absolutely ages but wanted to share my story. I went through IVF last October and found this forum absolutely invaluable. I was incredibly lucky and got a BFP and went on to give birth to a beautiful baby boy on 22nd July.
I wanted to come on during the pregnancy to announce the good news but I struggled so much to believe the pregnancy that I just couldn't do it. I spent my whole pregnancy feeling scared that it would be taken away and only when he was born did I finally accept it. I even delayed going into hospital when in labour as I just didn't believe it would happen. My labour in the end was 6 hours from first contraction to delivery and although he had to have a ventouse as he got distressed, all was straightforward.
I always read everyone's posts on here and sympathise so much with everyone. However I wanted to share my story as I read so many people saying they feel paranoid and scared after getting their much longed for BFP. There is no point in me saying 'try and enjoy it!' Because that was said to me so many times and it felt impossible. I guess I still feel a bit sad that I couldn't let myself enjoy pregnancy but at the end of the day, I have my beautiful baby now and that is all that matters. I would say just get through every day, every scan, every appointment and enjoy feeling them move and grow as much as you can. The 9 months ends and your beautiful baby will be with you and you will look back and wonder why you couldn't relax and enjoy. But that's what this journey does sometimes and we just have to accept it. I would also say, for anything at all ever worries you, speak to a doctor or midwife. Don't apologise for this being the most precious baby ever and don't suffer when if you ask a question, you will be reassured. People who haven't had our journey won't understand but it doesn't matter. Look after yourself and just keep going.
That's probably enough from me but I hope it might help some of you guys in the early stages of pregnancy. You deserve this. Keep going. And all of you who haven't got there yet, use this forum, talk to others who know what you might be going through and remember every single emotion you feel is real and uncontrollable xx