This Sunday I start my very last cycle. I'm all ova the place can't sleep, having nightmares when I finally get to sleep. I'm not sure if it's because I know it's my last cycle or weather it's stress related. I'm also on new Meds Fostimon has any one else had these and if so how was the side effects. Thanks
Last eva go hopefully 10th time lucky! - Fertility Network UK
Last eva go hopefully 10th time lucky!

10th go wow you must be a very strong person, wishing you the best and really hoping its your time xxx

I am strong but I've broken throughout the years. Thank you x
I wish u all the luck in the world and bags and bags of baby dust many embryos do u plan on transfering ??? X x
I'm not sure how many I'm going to transfer. At my clinic it's no more than 2 but I'm 40 years old so I'm hoping I can have 3 put back I'd have em all if I could lol. It's my final go so I'll fight for 3. Thanks for your kind words xx
am praying for it 2 work for u this time its normally 2 at the most at most clinics unless done abroad...really hope u get ur miracle this time.. have u ever got ur BFP?? or still prayin for that miracle to?? I have tried for years and finally got my first ever BFP in july but lost my little one at 7 wks so am prayin hard I get the chance to have a miracle again.i had a frozen medicated cycle with 2 day 5 embryos which am prayin 2 also have nxt cycle..good luck keep me updated baby dust to u hunnie xx
Thank you so much for your kind words. I've had 2 ectopic in the past and 3 years ago ivf worked but ended in a missed miscarriage its sad to say but ivf is all I've known since I was 21. I've had 9 goes this one been my tenth. I'm devastated it's my last go incase it don't work but I need to change the chapter of my life. I'm just grateful for my wonderful husband who's support is out of this world. Thanks again and I wish you all the luck in the world emzlou25. Xx
Am the same stared my ivf journey at 21 with my ex but he was dignosed with extremly low sperm in the end he left couldnt handle us not gettin pregnant blamed him self 2 much 😕 but now am with my hubby and just been told i have 1 tube blocked not sure how as both tubes were fine when i had them tested with ex..and way me and DH are doing ivf hopin for a mirracle x x
It's a cruel world we live in honest. I hope you get your miracle one day butbdon't give up hope. Is your other tube ok? X
Yh my other one is fine and i get egf collections i got 23 last collection of which 18 got fozen xx
Wishing you lots of luck and sending lots of baby dust your way xxxx
Good luck!!!! Xxx
Best of luck. Hopefully this times the one. 💞
Good luck!!!!