Hi ladies! My ivf funding has been approved and we have our first appointment in September 😊 can you please tell me what happens in the first appointment, will there be more tests? And then how quick do you start treatment. Xx
Omg IVF funding has been approved! - Fertility Network UK
Omg IVF funding has been approved!

Hey, Sorry not been on this for a while...what's happening otherwise? Did your period arrive? You were still waiting the other day?x
Hi Nic87! No my period still hasn't arrived but I am having a blood test next week! My nurse said she wants to do one. My doctors were not bothered at all! This is the first time I have been late. I was so gutted that I couldn't do my iui this month. However after receiving my letter about iui i feel like I have some happiness back x
Aww I've got everything crossed for you! Did you take another pregnancy test or you just gonna wait till blood test? And least now you've got that to focus on if this doesn't turn out positive.x
It's so true! I know that I am not going to get my hopes up about ivf either but I can't help feel that weight has been lifted off my shoulders to know we are getting somewhere. The iui's just were not working. And even if this blood test is a negative I won't feel to deflated. Just hope and pray that ivf works. If not I'll be back at square 1 again. I really hope you relax this summer aswell, you may get pregnant naturally! When the receptionist said to me the appointment was in September I was a bit like oh that's late! But like she said "rest and enjoy the summer!" So please do this to! We may get a postive at the same time!! X
It just makes a difference when you know that's there to start if it isn't good news, but you never know, you may not need it, so hoping it's positive for you next week! The agnus cactus herbal tablets arrived in the post today so started taking those and like you say just going to try and relax the next few months! Got a reflexology appointment next weekend to so looking forward to that to see what she says/does. Just happy that I'm not going to hospital twice a week for scans etc, it totally takes it out of you and don't realise it till you stop! Yeah you never know, just keep positive! And keep in touch (let me know how bloods go next week)!☺xx
Thank you!!! Let's see what happens! I will continue with my accupunture and hopefully all that helps going to go back to healthy eating again to. Me and my husband have a holiday booked for August so we can relax and chill then. I will keep you updated next week but hope you enjoy your reflexology to. I am so happy I found this site it's like all the ladies know what to say when your feeling a little low x
Hi, I'm sure it's different in different clinics but generally speaking the first bit of the process is to get consent forms signed and then blood tests for you and your other half to screen for the usual things. This was my first appointment and then had to come back for a second appt after blood tests were done but other places might do it differently. At the next appointment I got all my drugs, injections etc and agreed a schedule for the treatment. This means they'll give you a day by day schedule of what will happen and book you in for scans at regular intervals and give a proposed egg collection date (that can move depending on how you react to the drugs). So you will know you start date then which will be day 21 of your cycle and it takes about 6 weeks from there. Good luck xx
Thank you so much I am hoping by the end of the year we would have had the cycle completed. I am actually excited for it lol. Time to enjoy the summer now
hope you get your BFP xx
Yes should defo be done by then, probably some time in nov. It's a roller coaster ride! I got my bfp in May after fet and have just reached 12 weeks. Still scary stuff and constantly worried but makes the whole process worth it. And sounds like you're going into it with just the right attitude. Here's hoping for a 2016 bfp! 😊
Aww thank you! It's been a roller coaster 2 years since we have been trying. Every month the dreaded period arrives and then you feel deflated. I know it may not work for us but I'm excited to at least try congratulations on your BFP! Enjoy this exciting time and bonding with your baby! Xx
Just want to wish all the best xx
Congratulations & Goodluck xxxx