Hi ladies so am 4 days after my FET with 2 day 5 day embies transfered both off which had already pretty much hatched befor transfer.anyway at 4am this morning i woke up feeling very nauseous then again at just after 6am and since i got up it hasnt stopped..no its probs 2 early for it 2 be a good sign but has anyone else had this and wht can it be?? Please x
4 day After FET and nauseous - Fertility Network UK
4 day After FET and nauseous

Hi emzlou25. Oh dear! Sorry you feel poorly at the moment. It might just be a combination of anxiety and side effects from any drugs used - or are taking now - especially progesterone. Hope all soon settles down and i will be thinking of you over the coming days. Diane
hi! so how do you feel now, sis? i hope ur embies stuck and you got ur bfp. waiting for ur news.
Hey babez i got my BFP 😆 but still early days as i keep spotting not sure if this is normal but my nurse dont seem 2 concerned as no pain with it and its only very light spotting from time to time..i have my scan nxt wk at 6+1 very nervous about it after spotting tho..howz u?? Xx
wow! congrats on your bfp, sis! it seems to me that u definitely have to check ur spotting with your dr. it's no good, hun. please hurry
great u checked but doesn't seem normal to me. in any case, ur dr knows better. so good luck and take care. eat well and have good rest. that all u can do now, hun
yeap, i have who to take care of, wink! i have even two, lol
i've become a mom only after 40. maybe this is a reason for me to be value each moment of my mothering. at some moments i feel absolutely exhausted they always keep me busy
people keep asking me how i cope with 'em. i tell them that i just love 'em immensely and even sleepless nights r not a great problem. love and faith help overcoming every obstacle
I bet u will, sis