Hello everyone, I was just wondering, I have my 1st appointment with the clinic this month and really don't know what to expect. Is it just a meeting to let me know what is going to happen? X
Don't know what to expect. - Fertility Network UK
Don't know what to expect.

Hi Janer - every clinic is different but with our first appointment they took some bloods and made appointments for me and DH to have scans/semen analysis. They discussed our problems and advised that we would try ICSI, though they may not be able to determine that at this stage depending on what your circumstances are.
Our consultant was lovely, very confident and reassuring. It felt good to finally get started even though for us there was another 5 months to wait before we started treatment.
Patience is the name of this game sadly but it will all be worth while I'm sure! Best of luck to you x x x

Hi Janer85. Of course clincs can differ with their approach to your appointment. Often a first appointment involves further blood tests being carried out to check for HIV, Hepatitis, and chlamydia. Probably check out your hormones again including AMH. A further semen analysis ordered if any problems with the last one. A chat about giving yourself injections, plus when these will start. Then there will be some legal paperwork to fill in, which you may have to take away for GP to sign. You might be invited to an open evening to learn all about the process from start to finish, although this is not always offered. An internal scan of your ovaries may be done too to check for any cysts on your ovaries. Arrangements may also be made for you to have a laparoscopy or an HSG (hysterosalpingogram) to check your tubes if required. Can’t think of anything else, but wanted to say good luck with it all, and hope all goes OK. Diane
Thankyou for your replys and sorry mine is late, dont really get chance to come here. They have helped me very much. Thankyou very much xx