Hello guys I had a day 5 transfer and Its six days after the transfer I get my blood test on firday but I ended up doing a home test the smorning and came up negative I'm so worried now I'm I still to early when has anyone tested and got a positive ?
What is the earliest people have tested - Fertility Network UK
What is the earliest people have tested

Hang in there til Friday as you still have a few days. They always say they give us an official test date for a reason. Fingers crossed for you 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Thank u it's so stressful xx
I think its way to early to show up on a urine test kit Lisa, the blood tests tell a few days before a urine does so I would say wait till you get your bloods on Friday and remain positive!xx

Thank u it's so stressful just can't wait to no but will no by the end off the week so fingers crossed xx
Hi, I tested early and got a BFN but they say it can always change in a few days, hold out for your OTD and keep positive. Wish you all the best. xxx
Have a read of this which tells you what happens each day after ET. bubblesandbumps.com/what-ha...
If true then today would be the first day of HCG being produced so would be far too early to show up even with the most sensitive of HPTs. Blood tests do give results sooner than HPTs as they are so much more sensitive, so as frustrating as it is I'd say hang in there until Friday. Good luck!