Has anyone heard of IMSI? I have heard it mentioned one, and that it is a more advanced method of ICSI, they use a more powerful microscope to identify the best quality sperm to increase the chances of success. Anyone know any more??
IMSI??: Has anyone heard of IMSI? I... - Fertility Network UK

Ok so I've done a bit more research on this and it looks like it is an enhanced ICSI process where they use a x6000 microscope to check for any deformities in the sperm head.
Not heard of it but sounds good to opt for to give us doing ICSI all a better chance! Thanks for noting this - if not successful this time round I'll ask for this!
Yah worth asking! Not sure if it's available on the NHS yet but might be in some areas.
Hi bigmac. With IMSI the sperm samples are examined under a microscope which is almost 6000 times more powerful than normal ICSI microscope. This technique enables the embryologist to choose the very best quality sperm, without any defects, to inject into the partner’s eggs, thereby hopefully increasing the rate of implantation and pregnancy after fertility treatment. IMSI is usually recommended for couples whose sperm samples are unusually low or highly abnormal, or who have already undergone several IVF treatment cycles without success. I have heard of several successes using this method, but as you can imagine it is expensive. Obviously, I do wish you well with whatever you do decide to do. Diane
It's def something we're considering for our next go, anything to improve the odds! x
Just heard about this tonight. It's where a microscope is used to look at sperm in more detail *5000. A lady was talking about it at a meeting I was at.
Hi Bigmac
There is also PISCI - though I'm not sure how many UK clinics offer this. PICSI is a way of picking the best sperm for fertilisation; a petri dish is coated with hyaluronan and sperm are placed in the dish. Those that bind to these hyaluronan dots are the ones that are chosen for ICSI. Another way to choose the best sperm!
Best of luck to you