A clinic told me that they would not allow anyone to do more than 5 IVF cycles because of the risk to damage the ovaries everything you extract the eggs and because of risks of ovary cancer. Has anyone heard about this? I am confused as the eggs are being extracted from foliclules so I am not sure why the ovaries are involved at egg collection.
IVF cancer risk: A clinic told me that... - Fertility Network UK
IVF cancer risk

In a stimulation cycle, you are stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple follicles hence to produce multiple eggs ( eggs are within the follicles). Your ovaries can get to the size of an orange during this process (ovaries are normally walnut sized). During egg collection they are piercing your ovaries with a fine needle to extract the liquid which contains the eggs, from your follicles. Stimulation itself isn't good for your ovaries as you are forcing them to produce multiple follicles each month... Hope this helps xx

Thank you for the explanation. Are the folicules inside the ovaries? Xx
Yes follicles are inside the ovaries x
Thanks for the clarification. Have you heard about the cancer risks
There is a very VERY small risk of getting ovarian cancer due to having IVF, if you look at statistics though there are hundreds more things that are more likely to happen to you than getting it.
I haven't heard about the 5 cycles thing and I have seen some posts on here from ladies that have had several cycles.
All clinics are regulated through the HFEA so you may find info on there about it.
Egg donors are allowed to go through six cycles in Europe - you can do more but the evidence shows six cycles is ok.
I am on my fourth and won’t give up until I have done 10....so....

Thank you for the info! I am now more confident about doing many too as I will need many