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lianm8 profile image
11 Replies

Hi I am new to here and new to the whole process. We have not yet started IVF but have finally been referred from the GP to a fertility clinic as my partners sperm count has not improved over the last three months (he has less than 2 million and not enough to test the motility) its been a sad time for us both but at least we are starting the process :-)

Can anyone give me any sort of advice on what will happen next? Our GP wasn't very helpful - will we go for more tests or as he has such a low count go straight to IVF? I am just so confused about the whole process, waiting times etc and would love to hear some of your experiences!

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lianm8 profile image
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11 Replies
Blondyboo profile image

Hi there and welcome :)

I think a lot of processes depend on where you are in the country but we found out my partner has low sperm as well at 2 million and he has the second text in a couple of weeks to confirm but it looks like IVF for us too.

I had tests as well which i would imagine you will have as standered. bloodwork to check hormones a scan to see if all bits are there. I had to have a laparoscopy as they did a clymida blood test that showed high antibodies (I had it years and years ago and was treated for it) so where as you would normally have a dye test (to check your tubes arnt blocked) i had to have a laparoscopy and dye as they wanted to have a good look around! they found a kink in one of my tubes and they sorted it out and im as good as new now.

So as it stands at the moment we wait for second sperm test then have an appointment with the fertility doctor (at southmead Bristol) to talk about the next steps for IVF. I was told all the tests and checks are standard up to this point so i would imagine everyone has them. But from this point im not sure i think we have to waiting for the NHS to confirm funding then go from there.

The process for the above started in October last year so you can see it takes rather a long time! xx

lianm8 profile image
lianm8 in reply to Blondyboo

Thank you so much for your comments! We have both had tests done by our GP, I had bloodwork taken on day 2 and day 21 of my cycle to check all hormones - results came back all clear. I have been pregnant before but suffered a miscarriage at 11 weeks with an old partner.

My partner had a sperm test 3 months ago and had a follow up one two weeks ago, which we got the result last week and there was no improvement so that's why we have been referred.

It's such a long process, we have been trying for over 18 months now and to think it may be another year before we begin the treatment is deflating! I suppose I am being a little impatient and good things come to those that wait.

Good luck with everything :-)


pswhiteside profile image

Hi huni.

We started off on 3 months of chlomid, it's a tablet which encourages more eggs to be produced. Then I had a laperoscopy to check my tubes weren't blocked. Sometimes they do a procedure called a hycosy to do this, they put a tube...erm...up...and pump a fluid through your tubes. I couldn't have this hence the laperoscopy. Then after a break, to allow full recovery, I had 3 more lots of chlomid before if process was started.

Hope this helps.

Good luck xx

pswhiteside profile image
pswhiteside in reply to pswhiteside

From first appointment to start of ivf was about 18 months. But totally worth it, our miracle is now 14 months old x

lianm8 profile image
lianm8 in reply to pswhiteside

Thanks for your comments! Nice to hear a happy story! I know it's going to be a long process, we have been trying for 18 months, so another 18 months just seems like such a long time! xx

pswhiteside profile image
pswhiteside in reply to lianm8

It can seem like an eternity, we tried for 6years x

Erland profile image

Hi, Welcome to the forum.

We are in a similar boat to you and your partner. 2m-8m sperm count and IVF has been recommended to us as the only option. I'm not holding up too well at the moment - some days good- some bad.

I'm one step ahead as we have recently had our first consultation at the fertility clinic. I had a scan to check number of follicles to give a prediction of my egg count and a number of blood tests, a medical screening covering Bmi etc. I haven't had the ovary/tubes dye test - I guess this comes later for me.

He had further sperm analysis and blood tests. I would ask about a Urology referral and if this is appropriate for him. We are trying to get this but our going round in circles as this is outside the remit of the clinic.

In terms of timeline. Our referral process started in Feb and the tests happening in April. The consultant meeting 3 months later in early June. Our next appointment is mid July - that's when we tell them our decision. They said we could begin treatment in October - though I don't understand how long the preparation takes or if they mean my October cycle. We will be having ICSI.

I'd advise you to get copies of all the test results. Go to acupuncture. My partner has embraced some big lifestyle changes and this makes him feel really positive, like he's doing something. Don't read statistics! They aren't helpful because each couple are different!

lianm8 profile image
lianm8 in reply to Erland

Thanks for you comments! It's nice to hear from someone who is in a similar position as us. Our GP only referred my partner rather than us both, which I think is a bit odd as I have had blood-work taken and all seems to be OK?

Is acupuncture meant to help then? That's interesting to know, I will definitely research this more.

You seem to be moving quite quickly which is reassuring, I was worried we would have to wait over a year and if that was the case I may have considered to go private rather than via the NHS.

I have heard to go to Urology rather than straight to fertility, however our GP said this wouldn't be beneficial for my partner? To be honest the GP has been quite useless!

I have heard ICSI is better for males with low sperm count so I wish you all the luck in the world :-)

Kernishp profile image

Hi there, you will probably be recommended for ICSI IVF if there is a male factor issue. I was originally prescribed Clomid and IUI as we had unexplained infertility. When hubby's sperm was looked at again we were recommended to go for ICSI as our chances of conceiving naturally were slim. It worked and I am now 5 weeks pregnant. We went private (we're not in the UK so no NHS). From initial tests with a GP to first round of ICSI it took 7 months. Xx

lianm8 profile image
lianm8 in reply to Kernishp

Thanks for your comments Kernishp and congratulations! That's lovely news! So reassuring. Do you mind if I ask how many rounds it took to conceive? My emotions are everywhere at the moment so its nice to hear a story like yours! xx

Kernishp profile image
Kernishp in reply to lianm8

Not at all- I am one of those annoyingly lucky ones who it worked for first time! We're still struggling to believe it and are very aware of how incredibly lucky we are. If you basically need assistance to get the sperm to the egg and fertilise it - but everything else looks 'normal' then ICSI is a great option and can give good results. Good luck and remember it's normal to be all over the place while going through this- I was and still am!

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