Words fail me
End of 2WW, not pregnant: Words fail me... - Fertility Network UK
End of 2WW, not pregnant

I'm so sorry to hear that Hun I know there no words I can that will can make you feel better. But please do not feel alone with these feelings are totally normal my moods range from hopeful and upbeat to heartbroken frustrated and even despairing bordering on wanting to give up. And I'm not even going through treatment I struggle with (had to cancel my ivf which was about to start next months body gone AWOL great timing lol gp is running investigations ) The most important thing is not to bottle these emotions and allow yourselves to feel and express these feelings in order to be able to move forward. Perhaps some counseling will help you come to terms with this huge loss. When you're then feeling better perhaps book a consulation with your consulant and see what the best way forward is
Wishing you the very best with everything and I hope you feel ok soon take care xxx

Thanks Jess, gonna take our natural break now and go on a holiday and try to get the strength together for the next attempt.
Everything went so well up to this point, it just feels so unfair. Feeling so many emotions today, there aren't the words to express
So sorry to hear this, sending you big hugs xxxxxxxxx
Hi Vickal, I am so so so sorry to hear this. Sending you all the love and big hugs possible xxxxxxxx
So sorry, I know the feeling. Do you get anotber try?
Thanks guys, we did IUI and have three more attempts at this and one IVF. Chose IUI as it is less invasive and if we go straight to IVF and it doesn't work we don't have the option of going back and trying IUI. We thought it would give us more chances but the success rate is only 10%. Need to give our plan some thought now. Could spend the rest of the year trying this to no avail.
Hi vickal i compeletely understand where your coming from i was in bits when my first ivf failed as well.. even though your is IUI the pain is always the same regardless :-(. What i did after my first failed attempt was go on holiday for 3 weeks....it really helped me get myself back on track for a while so a holiday will be fantastic for you. Im currently on my two week wait and am not really enthusiastic about monday which is when i will be doing the blood test.
But whatever the outcome i have decided to try and take control of this and not let it deteriate the person that i am... so just try and keep going its only your first try xxxx
Hi Vickal, I am so sorry. Take each day at a time. A holiday sounds like a good idea too. take care xx
Sorry to hear this Vickal. I know there's nothing I can say to help. Take care of yourself x
My thoughts are with you. Such an emotional roller coaster and a huge turmoil of feelings to get through. Stay strong, you can do it. Have a lovely break. Just what you both need. Such a damn lottery this treatment. Very upsetting and frustrating. I go for my last frozen transfer in early march and I'm terrified it won't work again as it's our last go, as we've had to pay and it's just too expensive.
Anyway take care. Be kind to yourself ok. That's very important xx