Well today it's day 9 of my 5 day blastocyst transfer. I started bleeding the other day and my test was negative the bleeding had stopped but then today it's started again only when I wipe. I know it's all over for me I'm just so heartbroken I don't know where to go from here.
9th cycle failed again π : Well today... - Fertility Network UK
9th cycle failed again π

Hi Vonny27,
Have you actually done a test/consulted your GP/Clinic? I've not gotten to this stage yet with my IVF but from all the posts I've seen on here a lot of the ladies have experienced bleeding during their 2ww and had successful pregnancies. I don't know what to say but please try not to get too stressed until you know for sure. Sending you oodles of love and hugs. Thinking of you xxxxxx

Thank you missav yeah I've been doing test from day 5 today is day 9 still negative . My clinic said it could be just my hormones messing up that's why it's negative and not to worry unless I start to really bleed I'm just scared as I am bleeding but like I said only when I wipe X
I know it's probably the hardest thing ever but try not to panic or stress as this could be doing harm it's self. Why not treat yourself to a bubble bath, candles and a good book or a funny film to try and distract yourself. Or maybe go out with your partner for a good walk to try and take your mind of it. (like i said, this is probably the hardest thing in the world to do). Take comfort in the fact that your clinic has said that because you're not really bleeding then you shouldn't worry. And I do think you should stop testing until your actual date as this is probably just stressing you out even more. Sending you the biggest virtual hug ever. xx
Thanks missav I know your right I'm just a massive stress head. I'm going yo have a Nanna nap as I've a pounding headache hopefully when I wake up I'll feel alot better thanks for your kind words Xx
I am so sorry to hear this, but I have heard of ladies that have tested this early and been negative and then tested a few days later and been positive! I don't want to give you false hope, but I really think it could be too early to tell yet, and the bleeding could just be implantation? I am only at the beginning of my IVF journey so I have not been through this myself yet so I can only imagine how hard it must be seeing blood at this stage! I hope that you are able to relax as much as possible and in a few days you never know it might be a positive! fingers crossed! x
Thanks EmmaT88 xx
Vonny27, Listen to every one and please don't give up hope yet. The only advice I have different which I got from my clinic was no baths and swimming. You still have 5 days to go which can be make big difference and as your clinic said not to worry so much yet about bleeding, try not to despair. You probably know your body having been through this so many times but remember your body react different each time.
Hello hun. I won't say anything. Except lots of love and hugs. Hipe for the best outcome hun. Am thinking of you. οΈXx
Thanks deedje and piglet12
I'm trying to remain postive just finding it very hard to do. I don't want to give up hope as I do have 5 days left I keep telling myself all will be ok I just want it to be a good outcome so badly. I won't be having hot baths it's been showers since my transfer as I know the embies font like warmth. Thanks girls X
I know what you mean. I have had five failed. One positive that then ended in miscarriage in December. I just believe that one day it will happen. Naturally or with help. Keeps me going. Xxxxx
Fingers crossed for u hun. We are all thinking of you. Xxx
Thanks piglet12 and canonlyhope unfortunately ivf is my only option as I've suffered two etopic pregnancies. The bleeding is very dark in colour so it's not looking good. I'll get through it some how the pain gets worse after every failed cycle but some how get easier to deal with x
Fingers crossed for you hun, your not at the finish line yet so could still win the race. Hang in there, sending lots of hugs and wish u luck Xx.
I feel for you...with this being your 9th go you must be a strong person to have got this far so use that strength and try and stay positive! Good luck. xxx
Thanks casbah but it's all over for me I'm bleeding quite heavy today I've to wait till tomorrow my clinic said then I should be stopping my medication. I've no choice to be strong I wish I could just lie down and never wake up but I can't I've to carry on as I've a beautiful husband who I love more. Thanks for your kind words Xx
Oh hun. Very sorry to hear this. Am thinking of you still. Lots of love. And I'm glad you have a hubby. Lots of hugs. οΈXxx
I'm soo sorry to hear that hun. xxx
Thanks ladies means a lot I'm glad I had this site helped me alot not many ppl in my life understand my ivf and how it effect me. Thanks again to everyone Xx
Sorry to hear this sad news
Look after yourself and make sure you have quality time with hubby x
I'm so sorry to hear this news. I have had 2 failed cycles and it just feels as though your world has ended. The fact that you're full of hormones and have to deal with a heavy period makes things worse. It'll feel better in a few days. I just had to make more plans and try other approaches. I'm sure you're just exhausted with it all though mentally and financially.
Thanks lynky5 I sure am spent a fortune and done lots of different approaches I just don't know where to go from here. I'm lost x
Sorry to read this sad news, stay strong xxx
Hi Vonny27 have just been reading you recent comments etc and just want to say I'm thinking of you and sending you a huge hug xxxxxxxxx