Hi I just wondered if anyone can help me I'm 5dp5dt and I've started bleeding quite heavy today. This is the same as my previous cycle when I started bleeding 5dp5dt. It just seems very early to me. The consultant put me on PIO shots this time to see if they might help but they don't seem to have made much difference. I'm just at a loss as to what I can do moving forward. I understand the embryos have probably been chromasonaly abnormal and haven't implanted but I thought my luteal phase would be a little longer 😥 Anyone with some answers or experience would much appreciated xxxxxx
Second cycle and Bleeding 5dp5dt again - Fertility Network UK
Second cycle and Bleeding 5dp5dt again

Really sorry to hear that. 5 days after the transfer does seem very early. My first cycle failed and i started to bleed maybe 7 days after. I was told it was only over when you start period type bleeding. Xx
Thanks katya38 it's definitely period style bleeding 😢 I don't feel like my clinic are going to be very helpful in the morning as they weren't last time I just feel so lost as to why I bleed so early xxxx
It's horrible isn't it. You just expect it to work when you get to transfer but for whatever reason it just doesn't implant. I felt numb for a good few days after ours. Lots of comfort food and wine helped!! How many embryos did u have? Xx
I know it's the worst you would think second time is easier but it's just as difficult! The worst is continuing with the medication until official test day. We had one blast it wasn't quite as good quality as our first one. I have an extremely low AMH though so we were told we were lucky to get to blast but I'm not sure now if there might be a quality as well as quantity issue which my consultant did warn us about! It's difficult knowing what to do for the best isn't it xxx
Oh it is. My first cycle was through the nhs we only got 1 egg so my egg reserve is obviously very low. The nhs wont give us another. We've decided just to go straight to donor eggs still to pick a clinic abroad. It's our best chance of a baby xx
I was surprised by ours we got seven and two made it to blast even the consultant was amazed but he said there might be a quality issue. You will have to let me know how you get on. This journey is so difficult isn't it xxx
It is very hard especially when a lot of people don't know about it. We feel like our lifes are on hold while we go through this. I defo won't be spending years going through cycle after cycle. We can't afford it. Hope you take it easy the next wee while xx
Thanks lovely you too. I know it's a very difficult subject to talk about and it definitely takes over your life! Xxx
It sure does. I'm happy having a wee break at mo. Nice to feel normal for a bit. Going on my honeymoon in October after that we ll book our private treatment xx