Did anyone hear the news yesterday? - Fertility Network UK

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Did anyone hear the news yesterday?

canonlyhope profile image
33 Replies

the government want to give pregnant woman £400 to stop smoking. I'm lost for words and sickened

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canonlyhope profile image
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33 Replies
Katrina13 profile image

and I had to pay £500 to have my embryos frozen or else they would have gone into the bin. Its just so unfair.

canonlyhope profile image
canonlyhope in reply to Katrina13

Feel unsupported by the system. Decided to go private because of reasons like my last post. not that we could afford it on a min wage job. what a joke

Katrina13 profile image
Katrina13 in reply to canonlyhope

When I argued to my CCG about funding I got a patronising letter saying that they would not increase funding for IVF as the money was needed for 'serious' life saving medical treatment.. then they want to pay people to stop smoking when pregnant?

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to Katrina13

The reply to your letter just demonstrates ignorance on the part of the CCG as to the impact infertility has on a woman's emotional wellbeing and mental health.

To think that infertility is 'trivial', which the letter you received implies, is shocking. I love our NHS and appreciate funding is limited, but they should at least be apologetic about being unable to offer you such an important treatment!

I realise I'm preaching to the converted but sharing your frustration! x

That's outrageous. And not fair. You should be able to give up because you don't want to harm the baby. Plus how can they monitor the money they give and that they acually do stop smoking. How stupid. Make me mad. If we wanted to pay for storage it would be £700 each year. My hubby gave it up because it was affecting his sperm. And he did it with no help. and stuck to it. I'm so proud of him. X

canonlyhope profile image
canonlyhope in reply to

well done to your hubby. x

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to

Well done Mr Piglet! I've never smoked but do think it must be difficult to stop. Just think of they money quitting saves too probably more than £400 per year!

Hope you're well Piglet x

in reply to Hopeful1982

Hello. Thank you. It was not easy for him. But he did it for us and the desire for a baby. It saves so much money.

I'm doing ok. Got my period today. So in quite a bit of pain. Taking codeine for it. Which is not like me. Guess things are still sorting themselves out with my body.

Hope your doing ok sweetie. ️Xx

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to

Hi Piglet, I suffer from cramps sometimes so can empathise! I find it's worse when I'm stressed.

I'm good. We've been referred for IVF on the NHS now and because we can travel to another hospital (just over an hours drive from us) I should be at the top of their waitin list in 8 weeks. I know there are no guarantees but it feels good to be moving into the next phase.

Hope you're feeling a bit better. Take care x

canonlyhope profile image

its a joke isn't it. Anyone who would smoke while pregnant doesn't deserve that child. such a selfish thing to do. risking the health of your unborn child which in the end will cost more nhs funding

It's a joke hunni I was so angry when I saw it.. Hubby and me shook our heads in disbelief .. And if the nhs have money like that to waste why not donate that money to couples who want to have children but can't and need help having a baby.. Much more of a worthy cause I think we would all here agree on that.. I think it's so disgusting and yet nhs wouldn't fund us ok Im lucky coz I've got a wonderful 16 year son (which I'm grateful for) from a previous relationship but my hubby ain't a dad.. How's that fair?!! We wouldn't be able to afford ivf.. Thank god I can egg share and have ivf (if I don't fall naturally) and through the screening blood tests they ran on me I discovered my fertility issue an under active thyroid which I take meds for daily.. Women that seriously thinks it's ok to smoke whilst pregnant don't deserve to have children.. Words fail me.. All I gotta say is it's a very cruel world... People like that have no trouble having children and it's wrong wrong.. But at least we know when we have our babies they will very wanted and loved and we will cherish em.. Xxxx

Miroslava profile image

Sad... all of them will magically stop for 9 months xx

canonlyhope profile image
canonlyhope in reply to Miroslava

I don't think they will stop. people like that wont change. x

Filmgirl101 profile image

How do they monitor something like that?!

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to Filmgirl101

They test the level of carbon monoxide (I think it is) in the blood stream x

Dee22 profile image

I think it's just a study has shown that it worked, which isn't really surprising. I've only read the news article, not the journal. I agree it would be completely unfair to pay people to stop smoking when people that don't smoke anyway don't get any equivalent benefit. we will watch this space. xx

canonlyhope profile image
canonlyhope in reply to Dee22

I won't hold my breath xx

canonlyhope profile image

I have no clue but it makes no sense either way

Well, I know over weight people that are getting gym vouchers paid for by the NHS! Do not get me started.

Can't these people motivate themselves, cook decent food, and go for good long walks which cost nothing instead.

Most of these people who they suggest giving £400 too will probably just pretend they have given up or start again with babe in arms 9 months later.

Oh it is infuriating. I know I sound judgemental of people with weight issues and smokers, I understand alot of it is down to addiction - but hey we can all get addicted to things - I don't think its up to the state to pay for it.

Problem is, smokers and overweight people are the biggest drain on the NHS (not immigrants as the laughable daily mail would have us believe and no I am not an immigrant, but immigrants add more to the economy than take away so the bull i read just makes me laugh) - anyway, the government and NHS are looking for ways to stop these issues for the future because smoking and obesity are utterly devastating to ones health long term - and we all pay for that through our taxes.

Corporations are also responsible for it all. How often do you see 2 for 1 offer on good fresh vegetables? Not as often as you see it on jumbo crisps, bag, crappy frozen meals etc etc.

Sorry I am ranting now but it upsets me that so many of us on here have to save for years to pay for private treatment, I had to - and have 2 diseases (despite always being slim, don't eat red meat, never smoked, don't drink, cook fresh food all the time) but still got severe endo and adenomyosis - yet I still get no support from the NHS (I even had to go private for my Endo surgeries because the NHS didn't care)..

So my infertility was as a fact caused by these two diseases, not by poor lifestyle choices - which is the biggest issue for the NHS right now and it's where the money is being spent.

As for the postcode lottery, where some get 3 treatments - that is also wrong. It should be fair across the board.

Grhhh xxx

canonlyhope profile image
canonlyhope in reply to

They should make people pay for their own healthcare if they smoke while pregnant or not willing to try and lose weight or drink too much. I use to have a weight problem and paid for my own membership and lots it by my self. That's not our responsibility to pay for others mistakes and lifestyles. Total agree with everything you have said. soo many things wrong with this country we could go on for ever xxxx

canonlyhope profile image

Feel free to rant any time lol. Love a good moan x

canonlyhope profile image
canonlyhope in reply to canonlyhope

Just looked at the link. Omg lol. Ps can't believe what happens to you at the hospitals visit. That's horrible. Again if we weren't so over populated it wouldn't of happend the government need to learn how to say no and stop wiping everyone's bum. Soft touch Britain x

canonlyhope profile image

My boyfriends mates girlfriend has the food bank come round to her house and give her food. Their income is around 700 per week. X

in reply to canonlyhope

OMG really, thats really bad. 700 per week is alot more than alot of people get and is a decent amount to live on. Jese that is so wrong.

A lot of it is down to the ineptitude on the local councils too.

I have to actually stop reading things, cos i wind myself up at times, lol.

canonlyhope profile image
canonlyhope in reply to

tell me about it wish my income combine income was 700 per week. ivf shoes and a handbag. living the dream lol. you gotta see the funny side else your cry. x

in reply to canonlyhope


canonlyhope profile image

Don't think the government have a clue what their doing. x

700 pounds a week. Wow that's bonkers. I don't even get half of that in a month!!! What a crazy work we live in. ️Xxx

Absolutely no funding for ivf in North Yorkshire, me and my husband work full time, in October I had two, JUST TWO! Days off to save up for ivf!! Makes my blood boil that they think this is acceptable! They won't fund the people that actually would do there upmost to keep healthy for a baby however they will fund people that smoke in encouragement to stop!! Arghhhh makes me very angry!! Xx

Katrina13 profile image

It also annoys me that there is no limit to the number of abortions people can have for free.

in reply to Katrina13

gosh i never thought about that, but its a really good point!

rainbowbreeze80 profile image

I was so mad when I read about this as well, we're just about to start our 2nd ivf cycle that we've saved up hard for so I'd love to meet one of these selfish cows and tell her what I think of her selfishness!!

canonlyhope profile image
canonlyhope in reply to rainbowbreeze80

Dont no what I'd do if I meet one. How would you deal with some one of such low standards x

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