First Appointment on 10th December.. ... - Fertility Network UK

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First Appointment on 10th December.. What to expect ladies ??

BabyHope profile image
34 Replies

Hi Ladies,

I have got my first appointment on 10th December, what to expect on that day ?

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BabyHope profile image
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34 Replies
CAP1 profile image

Hi BabyHope

I like you have my first app though mine is on January so feeling pretty positive and nervous at the same time, I have read so may different stories good and bad! it really is a waiting game...

I am curious to know how long after the first app do we need to wait to start the treatment if accepted as I have waited 10 months for this app to come up, I hope all goes well for you and please keep informed, I have had test done at the docs and likely have premature ovarian failure, so I am not ovulating but will be interesting to see if and what treatment I can get, Have you had a diagnosis yet ? xx

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to CAP1

Hi CAP1,

Looks like we are in a same boat. I have had my tests done for GP and found that my progesterone levels are very low ( GP said I am not ovulating). I am very excited for my first appointment and looking forward for it on 10 th December. I will surely inform what would be the outcome of first appointment. Until then loads of baby dust for you

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to CAP1

Hi CAP1,

How are you ? and when is your first appointment? Best of luck and do share your experience.


CAP1 profile image
CAP1 in reply to BabyHope

Hey Huni

I am doing good thanx, Hope all is well with you? How did your app go??? I dont have mine until the 6th of Jan xxx

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to CAP1

Great! Hope new year brings loads of smiles for you :-)

My first appointment was very short one and consultant referred me for one more 3rd day, 21 day blood test and HSG(Special - Dye) test. I have already done all these tests. I was lucky enough to get appointment for HSG this month itself. I am waiting for my consultant to contact me (or I am planning to contact them on 5th Jan) for further steps. But as of now my second appointment with the consultant is scheduled for 10th April 2015 which is a long wait again.

Hope everything goes fine and quicker for you Hun :-) xxx

CAP1 profile image
CAP1 in reply to BabyHope

That's the downer of it all the months in between appointments :-( you just want it all to go faster as when you are hoping for something like this a month is a lifetime away!

To be honest I am not expecting anything on the first app now I am bracing myself to be told I will have to get more tests done and no doubt like you have to wait more months! (So Frustrating)

Keep smiling huni :-) and I hope its a fast few months for you

Hope you had a lovely Christmas and looking forward to the new year xxx

CAP1 profile image
CAP1 in reply to BabyHope

Hey BabyHope

I hope you are well, How did you get on with the consultant did he contact you and are you any further forward ?

Well my first app was yesterday and it went ok it was with the nurse we spoke about personal details and so on, weight height and BMI was all taken also A smoking test so passed all that and Hubby had bloods taken to check for y n z chromisones ect.....So these will now take around 8 weeks for results and we will be called back for that if all ok we have to then wait on the fertility clinic giving us an app then we can start ICSI treatment

So as expected another waiting game but I am keeping positive and if all goes well I could hopefully be getting treatment by April/May this year as the nurse had said the fertility clinic app is usually a 12 month waiting list and that gets back dated to the day you where refered by the GP so full of hope at the moment xxx

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to CAP1

Hi CAP1,

Nice to hear that your first app went well. I haven't heard anything from consultant yet. But my second app is scheduled on April. And also I have heard after HSG you are super fertile for 3-4 months. So I am keeping my fingers crossed for 3 months and if nothing happens I anyway have my 2nd app scheduled. Did you consultant ask you to go for HSG test ?

CAP1 profile image
CAP1 in reply to BabyHope

Hi Lovely

No nothing was mentioned though she did say that after the blood results in 8 weeks there would be more investigation, I think with me being on the elleste duet tablets she was not to sure as it was a nurse and no Doctors where avalible hopefully when we go back there is more to know and we get to the bottom of it.

Yes fingers crossed for you huni there is hope out there someone I know was going through the same she has been ttc for 10 years and bump! last week she has found out she is pregnant so a little story like that gives us all hope I suppose xxx

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to CAP1

Hi CAP1,

Hope you are doing good. Just an small update from my side. I got a call from my consultant last evening and she wants to see me bit early so now she has moved my Second App (which was in April) to February. I am very excited at the moment thinking something is going forward. She wants to discuss my tests results. More later xxx :-)

CAP1 profile image
CAP1 in reply to BabyHope


Awwww! BabyHope that's fab news :-) fingers crossed you are going to be starting a little sooner than first thought, fingers,Toes,Arms,Legs and Eyes crossed for you huni and as always keep me posted!

I got another app in also as my first initial app was with nurse I now go see the consultant on the 4th of March so i am thinking its just more tests and investigation for me and more waiting time only time will tell,

I made a promis to myself this year to try calm down about the situation as I now know it is not going to happen fast so I just need to try have faith and not greive for I do not have trying as best I can to enjoy the now xxx

PY987 profile image

We had 8 weeks wait when having all my tests but as soon as they were all ok and they referred us to the ivf unit we got asked for a seminar about 2 weeks later which approved our nhs free cycle that month and everything has been plain sailing since then x

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to PY987

Hi PY987,

Thanks for your reply. :)

If you don't mind can I ask you if you are already on treatment or in waiting list? I am so excited for my first appointment. Hope it goes well.

Need baby dust

PY987 profile image
PY987 in reply to BabyHope

I have just had my egg collection and embryo transfer last week. I was told when I first went that there is no such waiting list cost was already approved its just getting all the tests done. Our first 6-8 months were all treatment for my husband. He had his op may which wasn't successful and took from then to do all my tests to starting ivf in October x

CAP1 profile image
CAP1 in reply to PY987

That's great news to hear there is no waiting list from hear on in as I had fears of having to wait another 6 months or so.... So excited now

PY987 If you don't mind me asking... So even if you have had all tests done by the doc do the hospital need to conduct there own??? as myself and my partner have already gone through all blood tests and he has also done x2 seimans tests

BabyHope yes we seem in a similar position and loads of Baby dust right back to you and I wish you all the luck tomorrow xxx

PY987 profile image
PY987 in reply to CAP1

I'm afraid to say you do have a few more tests at the hospital they check different things and then scan your ovaries well so they know what level of drugs you need. They do most of the bloods all together I did have to go back after as I had to have a test in the morning and my appointment was the afternoon. I then had 8 weeks wait before I got the appointment to get the results. We only had my tests and unfortunatly my husband didn't have any sperm to use.

CAP1 profile image
CAP1 in reply to PY987

Thank You for the info just got to try and stay positive as its been a long wait so far at least something is happening....

I am so sorry to hear about your hubby, Can I ask why you have to wait till October for IVF? SENDING BIG HUGS XX

PY987 profile image
PY987 in reply to CAP1

Sorry I meant it took from May to October for all my tests and then to be referred ivf unit x

I would say let go of all expectations. Expectations are trying to predict the future. Future thinking is the sources of stress and worry as you worry things are not going as 'expected' - when the expectation was just a prediction of the future.

Nothing can predict the future and the more you try the more it leads to stress and worry.

Be in the moment, it is only being in today you can be in tune with your body and allow it to be and do what it needs to do. Stress (future thinking) prevents it doing that.

Life sometimes take you on a course that you least expect which may take you to a place even better than you imagined or by different route than you expect.

You may notice when you stop thinking about the future and live in today you may feel more relaxed and in tune with our natural innate wellbeing. x

Katrina13 profile image
Katrina13 in reply to

I'm sorry but I see a lot of your posts and think that they are very unhelpful. This lady was asking a straightforward question about what to expect when she sees the clinic for the first time. A lot of us have experience and can answer this question.

Going in 'blind' as you suggest is not going to help her to feel prepared, make sure she has her questions ready, and feels in control of the situation. I am constantly frustrated with your posts and lack of any understanding of the reality of what women are going through with this process.

in reply to Katrina13

Hi Katrina13, I am sorry you feel that way. I share what I share in love and through personal experience of infertility and working with 100's of women going through the process. I was not suggesting she goes un-prepared, before any appointment I would want to sit down and think about what I would want from that appointment as it can be too easy to come out without questions answered. I was suggesting not trying to work out what it is going to be like as that is impossible and leads us in to knots, stress and disappointment.

I thank you for your honesty and sharing as I realise posting on a forum is very different to supporting the women who receive my emails etc. as they already have some understanding of my background and where I am coming from. I will bear this in mind in future. x

BabyHope profile image

Hi Ladies,

Sorry couldn't update you all yesterday evening. Frankly speaking it wasn't the way I was expecting it to be

:(. It hardly lasted for 10 mins. Doc didn't even ask me any detailed history but asked me to do one more (21 day) blood test (for me it would be 28th of this month) , I wasn't expecting this as my GP said there wouldn't be any blood test as my previous tests shows same results x-(. Doc has also asked me to do HSG test (to check if my Fallopian tubes are not blocked). And the next appointment is 15th April (almost 4 month from now ) :-(

CAP1 profile image
CAP1 in reply to BabyHope

Hey BabyHope,

So Sorry to hear that :-( dammm NHS it all seems to take forever! And is all just one big waiting game! I don't think there is enougth support for us ladies from our own docs I feel we are just told test...tests...And more test! with months in between just get on with it and don't think about it.. Well its not that easy when it seems so dam hard for us to conceive, I just hope we can all stay positive it is difficult but need to stay focused on the hear and now I suppose.

Keep your chin up huni and stay strong and positive for the next appoitment :-) sending hugs kisses and loads of babydust your way xxx

I'm so sorry to hear that I know that feeling very well.. My husband and I attended an appointment in June.. Basically we saw the consultant last dec and he said try for another 6 months and see him and review the situation.. I remember he was very supportive and found a way of us getting ivf (I have a child from a previous relationship and no nhs funding) and we were looking forward to seeing him again to review the situation. Anyway when we returned he was very different and literally had us in his office for about 5 minutes and said bluntly it's either trying or ivf anything else us wasting your time and money.. Then literally shoed us out out of his office like 2 naughty school children.. Luckily the nurse there was a great support and has been ever since.. It was a very horrible and humiliating experience I remember us both were left reeling for a few days afterwards.. Sometimes consultants sweetie consultants are just mean and forget we are people not just another no.. Luckily I'm with a private clinic and things are better now :) I hope you feel less raw soon and if you need a chat Pm me anytime otherwise I wish you the very best of luck with everything.. It'll all be worth it when your treatment is successful keep that thought in your mind X

CAP1 profile image
CAP1 in reply to

Ohhh Jess that is so mean for anyone to speak to you like that let alone in this sensitive situation! I have my first appoitment o the 6th of January and since hearing all this I am so scared for the appoitment now :-( I guess I know just not to expect anything from it and expect to wait more months and my hopes will not be shattered such an emotinal rollercoaster xx

Oh hunni I didn't want to crush your hope I'm so sorry if I did :(

I'm sure the only reason he was like that was he was taking us off his books and did not wish to wish to waste any more time on us and his consultant time was far too precious for that. He didn't need to be so rude tho.. Luckily the nurse there was hugely supportive and has been a good support to me ever since ., but in dec he couldn't been nicer and I'm sure if you're on his books he's great.. I'm sure your appointment will be a positive experience :) is this your 1st appointment? If you need any advise on it I can answer any questions you have.. X

BabyHope profile image

Hey Jess,

Thanks for your support dear. I am so sorry to hear that doc was so rude with you. Frankly speaking this is such a emotional phase in our life and want at least doctors to be supportive. But yes we will have to just wait and watch. According to my GP, consultant should have given me clomid straightaway as in both the tests my progesterone levels were very low and GP said I am almost not ovulating. It is so difficult to pass each month knowing that I am not pregnant :( Anyways I hope everything goes fine with you. Have you had your IFV treatment already ?

Hey CAP1,

Thanks so much for your kind words. But do not get upset to hear my experience, just hope for the best. It really depends on which Hospital you are referred to , consultant might ask you for HSG test too (which is worth doing i guess). I have already booked my HSG test appointment for 24th December. I really wish that you get earlier second appointment. Good Luck for your first appointment.

Sending loads of baby dust on your way ladies. :)

in reply to BabyHope

Babyhope you must feel so disappointed.. I thought if your progesterone was low you would get clomid.. Go back to your gp and see wot they say.. I had one of my progesterone blood tests came back low one was normal and my gp told me I was normal lol!! But when i saw the nurse she said to repeat the test and luckily it showed I ovulated.. So they wouldn't help us despite one showing I wasn't ok so something wasn't right.coz 2 were they said I was mostly ovulating . The nurse said said to me if test showed I had low progestrone she would give me clomid.. If this next test comes back low again ask for the result then speak to your fertility nurse and see what she says.. She may be able to give you a prescription for clomid it's worth a go..

I was unexplained till I got to the private clinic.. Then discovered 1) I have a premature aging left ovary..

2) I have a very low amh of 5.37(should be 10-15 for my age)

3)whilst doing my screening blood tests discovered I have an under active thyroid which I'm taking thyroxine..and it's now under control hormones are working much better def had a big part in our delay.. Under active thyroid can mess around with ovulation cause miscarriages and birth detects.. Very glad I'm aware of before getting pregnant as I will need to be monitored closely throughout my pregnancy.. At least I will keep my baby safe :) Took us 3 years and 1 month to find my thyroid issue why the nhs did not find this I do not know..

All these findings have cost us huge delays in starting our ivf. Initial consultation was august so haven't started ivf yet.. Hoping to start ivf early next year till then it's trying with ovulation tests and giving it our best shot.. It's very hard knowing each month ends with a period but we mustn't give up hope..

CAP1 profile image

No its not you huni, Its just all the stories from the hospitals and how girls are being messed around docs being insensitive its not fair for us all, If only we could all conceive without the hassell!

Yes this is my first app waited 11 months just to get it so feeling nervous of what treatment will be offered if any! and just where the journey will take us from hear on in, I think I may need egg donation if accepted and like that it is just so nerve racking as its out of your control, I am guessing my first app will only be more tests and stuff any way? but trying to stay positive as its a step forward a small step at that but none the less its a step xxx

I take it Jess you have been through this and are you or have you had IVF ? Hope you dont mind me asking X

in reply to CAP1

For us we saw the nurse there for our 1st appointment and she briefly went through our paperwork.. One of my progestrone blood tests was so low suggested I didn't ovulate that cycle so she wanted to repeat that test as one said I did and one said I didn't..I arranged to have another progestrone blood test at my doctors surgery.. It said I did ovulate so was denyed clomid.. I then also had a hsg last year to check my Falipoen tubes again all clear.. The nurse also tells you what if you can access nhs funding we couldn't coz I've got a 16 year son from a previous relationship.. I think the first appointment look at your results and from that decide if more testing is needed.. If you get nhs funding should be able to tell you the sort of treatment you could get.. The second appointment looks at all the results and decides a treatment plan both parties need to attend as treatment decisions affect you both.. I guess then it's then putting that plan into action ie going on an ivf waiting list etc..

I haven't started ivf had huge delays coz 1)discovered I have a premature aging left ovary 2) low amh of 5.37..3) through my screening blood tests I've got an under active thyroid which I'm taking thyroxine for and my hormones are working much better now.. Very glad I am aware of this as it can affect ovulation hence delay.. Can cause miscarriage..birth detects so grateful I know this before getting pregnant as my clinic have told nd I need to be monitored throughout my pregnancy with this :) after a long 3 years and 1 month if was wonderful to have a reason and have our fertilty acknowledged for once.. Now be ttc for 3 years 4 months and it dose not get any easier I'm afraid to say.. I'm hoping to start ivf early next year and till then it's trying with the help of ovulating romantic..! I'm determined not to be beaten by this..

I want to wish you the very best with your journey it's hard but we can do this Hun.. Our babies will be special and wanted hang on in here.. You need a chat anytime message me otherwise wishing you the very best and I hope you get that BFP soon X

CAP1 profile image

No its not you huni, Its just all the stories from the hospitals and how girls are being messed around docs being insensitive its not fair for us all, If only we could all conceive without the hassell!

Yes this is my first app waited 11 months just to get it so feeling nervous of what treatment will be offered if any! and just where the journey will take us from hear on in, I think I may need egg donation if accepted and like that it is just so nerve racking as its out of your control, I am guessing my first app will only be more tests and stuff any way? but trying to stay positive as its a step forward a small step at that but none the less its a step xxx

I take it Jess you have been through this and are you or have you had IVF ? Hope you dont mind me asking X

CAP1 profile image

Out of curiosity what hospital are you ladies being treated at? I am going to Glasgow Royal Infirmary x

BabyHope profile image

Mine is Ashford and St Peters. Do you mind me asking ladies if I can change the referred hospital at this stage ? xx

CAP1 profile image

Aww thank you for the Info Jess it just seems to be swings and roundabouts some times you think bring it on! others you are begging for a break! I just hope I am strong and can stay positive xx

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