For ladies who have infertility and/o... - Fertility Network UK

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For ladies who have infertility and/or Endometriosis, to raise profile women's diseases please VOTE TODAY for Carol Pearson, Trustee Endo UK

3 Replies

Hi Ladies

Thought I'd share this, I have infertility as a result of severe endometriosis and have always been amazed at the lack of exposure that endometriosis and infertility has as diseases.

Today, you can help raise the profile of the disease by voting for Carol Pearson, who is Trustee of charity Endometriosis UK - for her to become charity Trustee of the Year. She has done so much to raise the profile of the disease, and also for those who suffer infertility as a result of the disease.

Vote HERE where the shortlist of five nominees is now published on the Guardian website and readers can vote for their winner till Wednesday, 12th November:

Her Ted talk in Brighton last year was a fantastic, funny and informative story of her journey of multiple surgeries, career and relationship struggles and her infertility all as a result of Endometriosis.

There is only 9 hours left to vote, and she has my vote - mainly because I shared the video with family and friends who seemed to take her experience more seriously than my own!

Carol is currently in 2nd place and needs more votes. I personally think that women's diseases and infertility are not considered important by the wider community who are not affected by them. Let's try to change that.

And, here is a link to her TED talk for those women who are impacted by both Endo and Infertility. It's very touching.

3 Replies

Carol needs another 350 or so votes.. we really need to raise awareness of women's diseases, so please vote today. Carol has really put her own life story out there, including her divorce and infertility, which isn't easy to do as well as doing so much work for the charity.

pretty please, can we vote to help raise profile of these awful womens diseases. Thanks so much. Only 3 hours left to vote but it;s not too late. Can vote twice too, from phones and laptops, and get partners to got too if possible.

And I type all this whilst seriously aching, my bones aching, I think from the down regulation, Im on Syneral. Anyone else very achy whilst on down regulation?? xx I should prob create another post for that! x

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