Just a tiny weeny little vent.... - Fertility Network UK

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Just a tiny weeny little vent....

6 Replies

Hello - so I'm on my second round and they've moved me from the short protocol to a long protocol and changed my drugs..... I'm on buserilin and been injecting for 16days now and still no sign of AF ( although I've got physical symptoms, which seem to come and go). I know I'm having an irrational day, but I've really low AMH and what if they've down regulated my body so much, it won't kick start with menopur- bit like a drained car battery? Going a bit mental today

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6 Replies

Hello.. When is your first down reg scan? My documentation just mentioned that I'm likely to have a bleed before the first scan, which is still weeks away on 11 Nov, is your closer? So, it sounds like it's normal for the bleed to take a longer time to happen perhaps? Although I am not sure. Could you call the nurses with your concerns?

I have the opposite problem, am currently down regulating and seemed to get a normal (very painful) period only a day or 2 later than usual, and it was not much heavier or longer than it usually is, only a tiny bit - and they said it would be, so I am worried I have not down regulated at all.

My physical symptoms of down regulation are very little, which makes me worry even more. I also have a very very low AMH. Only been down regulating for 12 days and doing the sniffer, synarel.

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Thanks YellowRose. I think my stress my a little PMT as AF arrived yesterday. Is the sniffer ok? I've had buserilin and am on day 17 of down reg. My scans on Monday and they'll let me know if I can start second injections. I started my down reg on day 21. Sounds like you're down regging for a long time. I'm sure everything'll be ok for you. Let me know how it goes XXXXX Good luck and thank you

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Goodluck with your scan on Monday, let me know how it goes. How many days did you down regulate for? Think it's 24 days for me, then possible stimulation. No idea how it will go with me, due to my stage 4 endo.

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Hello. Thank you. I will defo let you know. Monday will be day 20 for me on the down reg front. They never gave me a specific time, it was until AF arrived and then I'll start menopur after that.

We're off the the fertility show today in London. We're already planning for egg donor treatment as we're realistic about the success of this round ( this is our 2nd attempt. Our first one cancelled due to low response - 1 follicle) The consultant already told me, it's highly possibly because of my AMH is so low, that I may not be a candidate for IVF. So we're forward planning.

So to hear about your endo. It's such an unfair condition. I have fibroids, but luckily they said they're not too bad and implantation should be able to happen. I'm thinking of you too as we're almost on parallel time lines, so will message you tom or tues XXX

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a few seconds agohopefuljo

Thanks YellowRose. I think my stress my a little PMT as AF arrived yesterday. Is the sniffer ok? I've had buserilin and am on day 17 of down reg. My scans on Monday and they'll let me know if I can start second injections. I started my down reg on day 21. Sounds like you're down regging for a long time. I'm sure everything'll be ok for you. Let me know how it goes XXXXX Good luck and thank you

Hello Yellow Rose, so I started on my menapur Wednesday. Scan on Monday went ok. I have a collapsing follicle which hopefully won't be the only responder to menapur!!! But we'll wait and see! How are you going? X

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