Been for a second scan this morning, baby measuring 1.1 cm and it has a good heartbeat, I am 7 weeks and 1 day
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For any one who would like to see our 7th week scan

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wow!! congratulations hun, hope you're ok This fills me with so much hope as I am due to start my second round of ICSI in the next few weeks xxx
lovely pic, what a cute little bean - congratulations Danielle. Keep us all updated on your progress and i hope you are feeling well xx
Congratulations and thanx for sharing this with us Danielle, that is wonderful image which all of us hope to see very soon. xxx
I love the picture, can't wait for my first scan! Xx
Lovely Danielle it has increased in size a lot since your last scan
I have mines on thursday i should be 8wks and 1day so not far ahead of you.
Congratulations! X
Hi Danielle
Aw that's amazing! I bet you are thrilled to see that. So pleased for you - I have read quite a lot of your posts, and its great to see the 7 week scan! Many congratulations and I hope you are feeling ok
Can I just ask you a few things regarding your 2ww! I am on mine at the moment - my test day is next Monday! I had all the usual twinges and stabs/dull aches on my first week, but now I am halfway through my second week they have stopped - is this a bad sign? Did you get twinges/stabs all the way through your 2ww?
I guess I am a little worried as I keep thinking I should feel MORE different by now - mum says its too early to get proper pregnancy symptoms - I guess she is right! But did you feel sick at all during this time? I feel dizzy most mornings - but that maybe the progesterone pessaries! I do feel really tired in the afternoons too. My boobs have been pretty sore since I started the oestrogen patches a few months ago, so I think that is due to the hormones.
I just wondered it you had many symptoms or feelings during the 2ww? Or did you feel kind of normal?!
Many thanks
Hi Hope I did have have a implantation cramp 3 days after the transfer and 2 days later I took a home test, I started to feel sick soon after I had took the pregnancy test, and just felt different in general, I do get slight dizzy spells now from time to time, I had a natural frozen cycle though so I had no IVF drugs at all so that's how I knew I had proper symptoms and a positive test. All the best for your outcome x
Thanks Danielle
I do kind of feel different, but as you say with the hormones I am taking its hard - as it may be just those! Ah well its only a few more days. My clinic want me to go the doctors on test day to get a proper blood result but I am tempted to do a home test at the weekend. So you tested quite early - but then you did have a natural cycle. Blimey its a tough time
Thanks for your reply
I f you want to do your own test at home, don't hesitate but don't do it to early, I only did mine early because I felt so terrible I think I knew I was pregnant. x
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you I've been reading all ur previous posts since and I'm so happy that u made it al last. I'm new in this place I just joined today and I hope that God that done yours will do mine too. This is my 1st attempt of ifv, today is my day 7 of stimulation, I went for scan on day 3 of stimulation I had 6 eggs altogether at 10 and 11 mm.
So over the moon for you, congratulations xxx
Congratulations huni xx
Congratulations Danielle, cannot believe after all this time and not knowing what the future holds you are now a normal pregnant lady. Really happy for you. Good luck for the future xxx