8 out of my 11 eggs fertilised now waiting to find out if to go back sat or wait till Monday
Ivf egg fertilisation : 8 out of my 1... - Fertility Network UK
Ivf egg fertilisation

Great news x

Hi. That's good to here. Let's hope there will be some embryos to freeze too - good luck! Diane
That's great news Melanieh. I just had 2 put back in this afternoon. I don't know if they will freeze the other 2 or not, but we need to call back on Monday to find out. I just need to concentrate on sending happy thoughts to these 2 now ! xx
Aww how was it , did u go home straight away or do u have to stay a it after gettin them bk in xx
Just went straight home and had something to eat although my fiance wanted to take a detour to pick a car part up from a garage! I was really conscious of every speed bump and pothole on the way home. I know that's silly, but I can't help thinking about them bouncing about in there. Just going to try to take it easy this weekend xx
Aw that's what a will be like a need call 2moz to find out if to go in or wait till Monday xx
Good luck if its tomorrow xx
Great news. Good luck with your transfer. I had 2 put back in on Tue (FET) so on 2ww. We had 1put back first time and didnt take, we did however have 4 to freeze so had 2 taken out which thawed ok and put in. Still have 2 frozen also. Hope you get some to freeze too xx