Waiting for a phone call to tell me when to go in for my base scan and start the gonalF.... All this waiting is hard!
Waiting!: Waiting for a phone call to... - Fertility Network UK
Here here, it's dragging till next Tuesday when I'm having my scan and get my meds!! God knows what it will be like when our little embryos are transferred and have that 2 week wait!!!
I'm dreading and at the same time longing for those two weeks... Have you been told you need to do one test at 18 days and then wait before another? I can't remember how long I have to wait before the second test!
To be honest, I think im having my 3d saline thing done, then seeing the nurse for my meds, then having a scan on day 10 depending on results.... then Im not sure...
Are you talking about when you finally get your embryos transferred?
I know you have a blood test after 2 weeks then a possible scan.. Im going to bombard them with questions next Tuesday then I'll be a bit more wiser....
I was talking about after the transfer and waiting to find out the result it's probably again a difference in nhs and private I just have to take a pregnancy test at home 18 days after the transfer. I will be asking lots of questions too when I finally get my date for my base line scan!
Keep us posted on your dates etc... Its weird how so many hospitals NHS or Private differ in the way they do things. So many things to think about.... have you decided wether you will carry on working? Me and Hubby were talking the other day about embryos getting transfered... Depending on quality would you get one or two embryos transferred?
Well I think this is how it works the first time I get one embryo then if there are viable frozen ones I think I get one each time, however if the whole process has to be repeated with the gonalf and all that then the second round of that it's still one. And on the final time of the whole process they give me two. They say it's less risk as multiple births are trickier. I have now found out that I am more than likely starting the injections on Tuesday as well.. And I have found out I can get signed off sick probably from the point of the collection as it's hard to know when I'll need to go back in for the transfer. The nurses have pretty much said with my situation at work and the stress level I have with the other girl being pregnant they think that's going to be my best option. I already feel so relieved!
That's good news then work wise, you may need to find something to do at home though to pass the time away... Not long to wait till the next step! x
I shall take up knitting maybe lol! Yeah it's really nice to know we're almost step by step x
Most defo!! I will be bugging you every step of the way though lol. Even if its just to tell you im bored!!
They've changed my appointment to Thursday as they don't think the timing will be right. But still close
We'll I'm not sure what is going to happen until Tuesday when i will know a bit more on dates.. A couple of more positive pregnancies on here today gives us hope x